

Feed your attraction to wild birds

Feeding our wild birds is a pleasurable pursuit during long winter months, but before either purchasing a bird feeder or seed, you should know the species of birds you want to attract, the type of feeder and the kind of seed they prefer. Song sparrows and towhees prefer a flat surface and ...

My darling, my zucchini

Rumor has it zucchini will turn many gardeners into night ninjas leaving multiple presents on your neighbors’ doorstep. This is the time of year to be thankful, and I am thankful for zucchini. It is something everyone can grow and share. It’s also a way to make friends. For 2025, ...

Youngstown forum alerts senior citizens to popular scams

YOUNGSTOWN — Fraud and scams were the topic of the evening for seniors as they learned tips and tricks to avoid being taken. A forum on fraud safety for seniors was sponsored by Jewish Family and Community Services and hosted 126 people Tuesday. Mahoning County Prosecutor Gina DeGenova ...

Senior news

To include or update items in the weekly Senior News list, email information to tmunnell@tribtoday.com or afox@tribtoday.com. The deadline is noon Wednesday for inclusion in that week’s list. PERI TO MEET: The Public Employee Retirees of Mahoning County Chapter 18 will meet at noon ...

Chicken soup for this Millennial’s soul

This week I’m going to ramble a little bit. It feels right — as I’m writing this I’m looking out the office window into a dark and woeful day and the only comforting thought is that I’m as snuggled as I can be wearing layers and my favorite boots. For as long as I can remember, ...

Lovina recalls earlier days before Michigan move

It is Tuesday morning and the sun is trying to peep through. Hopefully we will see the sun today. We have had a few days of not much sun, so our battery pack hooked up to our solar panels is draining fast. During the night the water quit working, as the pump couldn’t kick in with the battery ...