

Campfire favorite is even better with these substitutions

There’s only one real late-night snack for anyone who enjoys a late-night fire. Of course, I’m talking about s’mores. The first time I went camping with my parents and brother, I was around 6 years old. When it came time to cook hot dogs, it was done over the fire with long sticks ...

Lovina enjoys summer days

Today daughter Loretta and sons Denzel and Byron came here after my husband Joe and sons left for work. Daughter Verena left last night; she went to daughter Susan and Ervin’s house. She will stay with their five oldest children today while Susan will go help prepare for Ervin’s brother ...

Health notes

Health notes To include or update items in the weekly Health News list, email information to tmunnell@tribtoday.com or afox@tribtoday.com. The deadline is noon Sunday for inclusion in that week’s list. MOBILE MAMMOGRAMS: Mercy Health-Youngstown announced the following mobile mammography ...

Catmint: It’s not for the felines, but bees love it

Years ago, my neighbor Tony, gifted me with a lovely herbaceous perrenial, catmint (Nepeta racemose), sometimes called “Walkers Row,” named for an English garden. With gray-green to silver foliage, the purple / blue flowers form terminal clusters, emerging from early summer into ...

The truth about stag beetles, an herbivore

Getting ready for bed the other night, the kitties went nuts! The noise of a small helicopter was clattering on the porch as something kept hitting the patio door! Always curious, I looked out to see something dark hit the door and then fall to the porch. I ran out to find a stag beetle that ...

Valley Grows calendar

Here are upcoming gardening events through the Ohio State University Mahoning County Extension Office. Contact the Extension Office, 490 S. Broad St., Canfield, at 330-533-5538. For a complete list of events, visit https://mahoning.osu.edu/events. Plant and pest clinic WHAT: Stop by to ...