
Sports Columns

Fishing new waters a welcome experience

To borrow a popular claim, if you know, you know. Anglers get it. Fishing a new lake for the first time is one of the great adventures in fishingdom. If you are an avid angler, you know what I mean. Nearly 50 years have passed since I towed home my first boat and began exploring lakes and ...

Reading is a skill just as important as ever

As the years pile up and experience grows, many folks find opportunities to share tips and guidance for those who are coming up behind them. It’s the way of the world, of course, that adults take on roles as parents, teachers, coaches and more to young people who can jumpstart their own ...

Speed worming a proven bass fishing tactic

Swimming a plastic worm is one of the most simple fishing techniques, but also one of the most effective. Popularly known among bass anglers as speed worm fishing, swimming plastic wigglers produce great catches for anglers regardless of experience or how they approach their favorite waters. ...

Whetzel: Bidding farewell to the Valley and to sportswriting

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. In this case, it’s about both my time at the Tribune Chronicle and The Vindicator and my time in journalism as a whole, as Thursday marked my finale at the paper. I arrived in Warren back in 2021 with a reasonable idea of what to ...

Wollitz: Bladed jigs are incredibly useful for anglers

It’s bladed jig season and the largemouth bass are chasing them on the lakes throughout the Youngstown-Warren area. Actually, every month seems to be right for my assortment of bladed jigs, popularly known as Chatterbaits — the brand name that has become synonymous with the lure genre. ...

Tech advances in fishing here to stay

Back a few years ago, my generation helped pioneer video technology that no doubt is paying huge dividends today on the fishing boats of hundreds of thousands of anglers. We were avid players of Pong, then Pacman and Space Invaders, and on to Super Mario Brothers and Tetris. My generation ...