
General Motors workers should be thankful for a job


What I read in the headlines of this newspaper made my stomach churn. First, the employees of the former GM plant had to relocate to another GM plant, which was very undesirable — they had to pick up roots and move. Now, they have a chance to relocate back to this area and seemed very concerned they might have to work at Ultium — and that working conditions there may not be to their liking.

What is wrong with being thankful you have a job? Since when were they offered a rose garden?

My husband, a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, has to pick up roots every three to four years to move to another military base, or even out of the country. He was never asked whether he might like the area. How many veterans have to be deployed out of the country?

Shame on the UAW for even allowing such a thing.




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