
The very social Gen Xers do their research

My Sentiments Exactly

If you’re anything like me, you currently subscribe to various forms of social media. Like a ton of them.

Mind you, I’m a Gen Xer.

The use of the term “Generation X” to describe this generational cohort was popularized by Douglas Coupland, a Canadian journalist and novelist. Apparently, an article that he wrote in 1987 for Vancouver Magazine introduced the term.

Coupland later stated that he had taken it from a book — “Class: A Guide Through the American Status System” (1983) by Paul Fussell.

Thief. I digress.

The book supposedly states that “Gen X” refers to a group of people who did not wish to concern themselves with societal pressures, money and status.


He doubled down in his 1991 novel, “Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture.”

You know where I found that statistic? I searched it online. Apparently, that’s what we Gen Xers do best.

Here are some other alleged facts about my g-g-g-g-g-generation:

・ Generation X values its independence and likes to do research before making purchases with 68 percent making buying decisions based on online reviews. They are also avid multitaskers and regularly switch between devices (computer, tablets, mobile). Their favorite social medium is Facebook. (PK NOTE: This is me to a T.)

・ Gen X shoppers turn to digital platforms for groceries. (PK NOTE: Guilty as charged. One particular store knows me so well, they call me by my middle name. I may or may not be singlehandedly responsible for a spike in curbside grocery sales in the U.S. and parts of Canada.)

・ This generation uses social media more habitually than millennials. Gen Xers often are overlooked despite the fact they spend an average of six hours, 58 minutes a week on social networks. (PK NOTE: I never timed myself. However, in the best interests of my own self-confidence and worth, I think it’s best to keep it that way.)

・ This generation was quick to adopt social media, but unlike millennials it did not inherit the “selfie culture.” Gen Xers do not like to broadcast their personal lives. In fact, only 24 percent actually have shared on social media. Similar to baby boomers, they like to spend time connecting with friends and searching for information. (PK NOTE: Truth. Amen, Brother Ben. Stacks of selfies? No thank you, please.)

Bottom line? Thank goodness for social media or I’d never know what my kid is doing.

On the B side, as my generation would say (and as I believe I mentioned in a recent column), some things I do not need to know. TMI, people! (For the older set, aka, my peeps, that means: Too Much Information.)

Unless you’re 3 years old or have been injected with truth serum, please feel free to keep your private issues, you know, to yourself. I promise I don’t want to know how much you netted last year or why your uncle is a poopy head. Honest.


Kimerer is an old fuddy duddy. Contact her via archaic e-mail at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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