
Recognize Joe Biden’s fair win in election


State Sen.Michael Rulli, R-Salem, co-sponsors a resolution urging Congress to limit the number of Supreme Court Justices to nine. He states “the judiciary should not be subjected to the political whims and power grabs of the executive or legislative branches.”

Rulli knows the rhetoric from the Democrats regarding this issue directly resulted from the Senate’s refusal to seat, or even hold hearings, on President Obama’s nomination to replace Anthony Scalia in 2016.

But even before Obama had named Merrick Garland as his nominee, and in fact only hours after Justice Scalia’s death was announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be “null and void.” He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year. In a speech in Kentucky, McConnell would say, “One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye. and

I said, ‘Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.”

Of course, McConnell’s “reasoning” morphed into “in-your-face” hypocrisy in a rush to seat Amy Coney Barrett when Justice Ruth Ginsburg died even closer to the subsequent presidential election. Political whim and power grab? “Packing the court?” What would Sen. Rulli call it?

The “Keep Nine Amendment” is a safe move for him. He knows he’s not stepping too far out on the bravery branch. Most Americans support a limit of nine justices.

Even I, as a Democrat, agree with Sen. Rulli. But as a constituent of his, I do have a request. Sen. Rulli should sponsor a resolution encouraging the U.S. Congress to officially recognize the fair and legal election of President Biden.

Would he dare speak out to Trump’s big lie? Now that would be a bold and brave resolution for a Republican to sponsor!




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