

Ohio GOP look to close primaries

Republicans in the General Assembly introduced four separate bills to put an end to open primary elections. Ohio law currently allows anyone to vote in any partisan primary — Democratic or Republican. The proposals would end that practice and require a voter to declare their party ...

Hatred and division must be stopped

If it feels as though hate and division are only growing worse in this country, you’re not wrong. A report published Monday by the Anti-Defamation League states final statistics for 2023 show there were 8,873 incidents of antisemitic assault, harassment and vandalism across the ...

It’s time to have crucial conversations

Perhaps a little sunshine and warm temperatures will finally help us realize that we are rapidly approaching prom and graduation season in the Mahoning Valley. End-of-year (or end of K-12 careers for seniors) is nearly upon us and that means it is time for some important conversations between ...

Tradition is thriving at Liberty schools

When it comes to athletics and school spirit, tradition is key. As young students, some kids dream of following in the footsteps of athletes at their high schools and taking part in school traditions like pep rallies, parades, donning a school jersey, or running out of a tunnel on a Friday ...

Minority health gaps in Ohio must be closed

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., March 1966 Fifty-eight years ago last month, the father of America’s civil-rights movement duly lashed out at the widening health gap between white Americans and ...

Writer using algebra on a regular basis

DEAR EDITOR: In response to the Ruth Lilley letter on math education. I will say I do use algebra on a regular basis; as an engineer, for me it’s pretty well inescapable. But, I will also say, as it was taught in my high school and as it was being taught when I tutored a local high ...