

Enjoying small town’s Westminster chimes

DEAR EDITOR: Only in a small town with generous families could we enjoy the sound of Westminster chimes through the restoration of the Carillon in Poland Village’s clock tower. The Verdin Company started manufacturing cast iron bronze bells in 1842. They are found in 30 countries, iconic ...

Cold-weather boating is dangerous

DEAR EDITOR: As a past member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, it was disturbing to see the photo on the front page of the Friday 12/20 newspaper. One of the things we taught in our safe boating classes was the danger involved in cold-weather boating. In particular, cold water shock, ...

We know about Biden; what about Trump?

DEAR EDITOR: After reading the Dec. 7 weekend edition of The Vindicator, I’ve concluded that a lot of the pen pushers have joined the “PYA Club” (protecting Your a**), forgetting that thez they’re criticizing Biden for Trump has been doing for the last eight years and plans on doing ...

Hold Trump to the same standard

DEAR EDITOR: I think it was unconscionable that the President pardoned his son. Hunter Biden committed criminal acts and should be punished for them. His actions have become a political football that the incoming administration will remind us of ad nauseam. In response, The Vindicator gave ...

Ohio Republicans lavishly take care of their own

While it was a near certainty that the four incumbent Republican state legislators who represent the Mahoning Valley were going to win their elections last month, the state political party and GOP fundraising groups in the General Assembly left nothing to chance. Flush with money, the groups ...

Crunch the numbers to view how critical your vote can truly be

Mahoning Valley residents already know the importance of getting out and voting, no matter how high- (or low-) profile the election may be. Decisions that affect our daily lives should not be made by the handful of people who cast their ballots in even the smallest of off-year elections. But ...