
Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

December 7 Sound Off was typical. Seven letters, five from Democrats belly aching about Trump and his supporters. Same old garbage. All they have left is sour grapes. Maybe you should realize that your party stinks. That’s why you lost.

• Canfield

I don’t think this Sound Off will be published but I had to write it anyway. I’m a conservative Independent who supports President Trump. I often write conservative points off view to Sound Off. I haven’t had a letter published for many months but every week the Sound Off is filled with bashing of Trump and other conservatives. Some of these letters have outright lies in them. I guess The Vindicator has moved from a true publication to a left news organization.

• Hubbard

Why is it that some retailers are asking if I want a bag after I’ve purchased their items? Of course I want a bag! Where do they think I’m going to put my items while I continue shopping in other stores? Even worse is being asked if I’d like to purchase a bag for 10 cents…… NO. This happened at a clothing store in the mall. What a joke! Keep this up and I won’t need a bag because the items will remain on your counter while I shop somewhere else.

• Boardman

Just read your editorial with the headline “Joe Biden has long had trouble telling the truth” Are you kidding me?? You have the audacity to print something like that while a pathological liar with over 30,000 proven lies during his first term is about to become President again?? You choose to ignore that??? And Biden didn’t pardon his son until after Trump was elected and promised revenge on his political enemies. Take off your MAGA hat before you write these things.

• Austintown

Time for senators to pull up their big-boy pants and tell Trump why many of his Cabinet nominees are not acceptable. They also must explain to their constituents why they will not support some nominees. The Senate is not a ring kissing society. They provide advice to the executive meant to help him with the heavy task of selecting those best able to assist him. Having given their advice, they must then vote their conscience as to whether the nominee is capable of conducting the business of their cabinet post in keeping with the Constitution as well as the aims of the executive. Nowhere is there provision for political retribution as a legitimate goal of any cabinet post.

• Canfield

Maybe if King Aaron would have looked outside the box: Having the deer tranquilized, loaded into a Cattle Type cargo van, and released out in some more rural areas, would have prevented all the negative publicity that King Aaron is receiving. I called him two weeks ago to inquire as to why all the concerts are being canceled for 2025 @ The Morley Pavilion. You would think King Aaron would have delegated one of his subjects, to make a simple return call.

• Canfield

So glad the bike trail fiasco is finally over and my tax dollars can now go to killing more deer.

• Boardman

Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

Dec. 7 Sound Off was typical. Seven letters, five from Democrats belly aching about Trump and his supporters. Same old garbage. All they have left is sour grapes. Maybe you should realize that your party stinks. That’s why you lost.

• Canfield

Governor DeWine gets to appoint someone to fill JD Vance’s US Senate seat. He said he wants to choose someone who knows Ohio. Here’s a thought: why not appoint Sherrod Brown? Nearly 5 and a half million people voted and Senator Brown lost by 200,000 to car salesman Bernie Moreno. Millions of Ohioans wanted Sherrod Brown. He knows Ohio. DeWine doesn’t have to worry about any more election campaigns. He’ll retire after decades of politics to a nice life filled with family and maybe a university president slot. Ohio needs Sherrod Brown in the Senate.

• Youngstown

How is it that Black Friday and Cyber Monday both broke records for spending when all I heard for several months before the election was how expensive groceries were? Where did all the money come from? Is it possible citizens were duped?

• Hubbard

How is it that Black Friday and Cyber Monday both broke records for spending when all I heard for several months before the election was how expensive groceries were? Where did all the money come from? Is it possible citizens were duped?

• Hubbard

To all you Maga and Trump voters: I hope you enjoy your fascist, Nazi government! Notice how the Democrats are politely accepting Trump’s outrageous illegalities after he whined and conned his way back into the presidency. The billionaire, dishonest, prolific right-wing media has brainwashed enough Americans to flip the script on reality/equality while Republicans succeeded in REALLY stealing the election via systematic gerrymandering and voter suppression. A power grab ongoing since 1981 when Reagan fired the striking air-traffic controllers.

• Boardman

ßNow that the former brutal dictator of Syria has been granted asylum by Putin, 45s nominee to oversee the CIA and NSA will be able to visit two dictators in one place. That way she won’t need to trust Assad to share info she has, allegedly, shared with him while in Congress, and just hand it over to his pal Putin. The sycophants of our Republican dominated Congress will need to approve her unless she is just a temporary ‘acting’ fill-in until 45 throws her under the proverbial bus. DOGE-like efficiency.

• Canfield

Good for the people of Syria for overthrowing the second generation of the brutal Assad regime! May their revolution rise above foolish destruction by bigoted and violent religious sects who believe only they can heal that land benighted by a corrupt family government and its lackeys for more than 50 years.

• Canfield

Politicians often lie and Biden is different only in that he did not pardon his son from a crime against our Constitution or of violence to others. For that, you need felon 45 or elected officials who refused to hear evidence of his impeachment, his Big Lie of a “stolen election” or riotous insurrectionists. Rather than turn a son over to the criminal ‘justice’ of unwarranted retribution by a clown cabinet, any father would do as much.

• Canfield

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