
Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

Al Cutrona introduced a Bill to limit people’s access to what they can see in the library. He wants to restrict funding for books deemed harmful. That’s what Communist countries do. Cutrona should look at his finance records before attacking libraries. He voted in favor of increasing library funds, got money from union groups that support woke reading and paid his fiancee consulting fees. Maybe he should clean up his own house before telling the library how to run theirs!

• Salem

Who died and made Al Cutrona the morality police? Libraries have a selection policy that they follow. They also purchase materials for all types of patrons. If you are concerned about the books your child is reading, then take a look at what they bring home and read what they bring home. Too many times books are challenged by people who have jumped on the bandwagon but haven’t bothered to read the book.

• Canfield

Interestingly enough, in 2022-23 Girard schools added two new highly paid admin / support positions at a cost of over $200k yearly for pay and benefits. One as an assistant superintendent in a district smaller than most. Now, we add the golden pay deal for the treasurer. All were under the board that was headed by the new mayor. The treasurer did not do it himself!

• Girard

The resignations in the Girard School District should not stop with the treasurer. The entire school board, including the current mayor, who was the school board president at the time of the contract renewal, as well as the superintendent should all resign. Teachers are scraping by, paying for supplies and incidentals while the treasurer is making a CEO equivalent salary? Everything over his base pay should be returned. Where was the superintendent in all this? He should have provided oversight.

• Girard

The Girard BOE needs a lawyer because they were robbed. The one person who should have examined and warned the BOE of the pay implications of the contract was Mark Bello, the treasurer. Complete dereliction of duty and possibly illegal.

• Canfield

I was proud to see the old warriors, veterans of D-Day, honored by the people of France and America. They rose from their wheelchairs with the same determination, courage and nobility which won victory in Normandy more than 80 years ago. These are the beating hearts of true patriots. May they live forever in our national memory and their example always guide us in opposition to any dictator, anywhere, bent on destroying freedom. God bless America.

• Canfield

I agree with 100% of what was reported in the recent Toledo Blade article about J.D. Vance. Because of his desire to become Trump’s vice president, he has decided that he will vote against any bills that might make Biden look good. Clearly, Vance only cares about himself, not Ohioans. He would vote against a border bill, cuts in the cost of meds, help for East Palestine, etc. If he doesn’t care about me, I don’t care about him.

• Campbell

At present, Trump is an ordinary citizen, though now a convicted felon. How can he threaten anyone he wants? If I, another ordinary citizen, were to threaten people, I am sure the authorities would step in. If it isn’t against the law, it surely has to be morally and ethically wrong. I cannot believe people do not see into this morally corrupt bully, spouting revenge and payback, out to upend the American constitution and our rules of law.

• Youngstown

There will be another pandemic. When that occurs we will be able to decide whether to follow the advice of an infectious disease specialist or a politician. Hopefully, when that happens we will be smart enough to make the correct choice, but the current news makes it look like we will not.

• Youngstown

Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

Wow, esteemed councilman of the 1st Ward. So having a moratorium on dispensaries will cut down crime, yet what about the drug houses on every side of town, including yours? Howling to the moon about weed, yet how about doing something about the high weeds plaguing the city?

• Youngstown

I want to applaud Linda Barton for promoting the positive history of the Mahoning Valley through her business, Sweet Memories Vintage Tees and Candy. It is so refreshing to see someone highlight the successful entrepreneurs who brought pride to the area. These individuals are more representative of the majority of Valley residents, people we want our children to emulate. Thank you, Linda.

• Youngstown

Last Wednesday’s Vindicator editorial suggested that the YSU student body, faculty members and the community need to communicate with President Johnson so he can hear a “view different than his own.” Absolutely! Communication is the key. But perhaps more useful would be suggesting the reverse. The naysayers could hear Johnson’s view, hear his plans and get a perspective different from their own?! I think we’ve had more than enough perspective from the squeaky wheels!

• Diamond

Volney Rogers envisioned Mill Creek Park as a green space within a city. Growing up, most of us remember the park as a place for free family-oriented activities. Aaron Young and the MCMP Board owe the community an explanation. Why did they eliminate the programming staff, summer concerts at Morley, camp, Halloween party, Easter Egg hunt, kite and Shakespeare Festivals, orchid show, and other events? Seemingly, if they can’t make money from events, they have no interest in hosting them.

• Boardman

I can’t believe one can’t see the benefit and value of having the Warren / Youngstown airport as a full airport. I used to take direct flights. Then I took the commuter to Pittsburgh. It saved time and aggravation. The lines were shorter and it was easy to be dropped off or to park. Being a fully maintained airport is good for the school and the military. On 9/11, planes were diverted to our airport.

• Warren

I’m raising my hand. I’ve taken a lot of flights out of YNG when it was running commercial flights. If YNG was running flights, it would be the first airport I would look at. When I book a flight I look at convenience as well as cost, so having to drive 10 minutes versus over an hour, parking with a potential shuttle, walking 20-30 minutes from curb to security. I would love to have commercial flights out of YNG.

• Warren

Hurrah for Trumbull County Prosecutor Dennis Watkins, who voiced his support of House Bill 392, which would allow the use of nitrogen hypoxia to carry out the death penalty. Two current inmates on death row deserve nothing less. Both have been convicted and proven guilty of heinous crimes, Hill’s against a child. Lift the ill-placed moratorium and get on with it. Give the victims’ families some peace.

• Warren

Pot heads to left and right of me and here I am stuck in the middle with Ohio voters who made a bad decision on marijuana’s legalization. We have enough illegal drugs and overdose deaths to worry about. Three cheers to the communities who ban the sale, growing, and distribution of it. We need to be more proactive in curbing the use of this potential mind-influencing drug. The health and well-being of the next generation is at stake.

• Beaver Township

I am bitterly disgusted with Ohio Republican legislators who continue to walk all over gerrymandered Democrats. Their latest stunt was threatening not to vote on adding Joe Biden’s name to the November ballot. Shame on all of them.

• Niles


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