
Age can be attribute, not cause for concern


Unless you are living on a desolate island, or have no contact with the outside world, you truly understand and recognize the personal attacks directed toward our current presidential election.

The many character attacks are directed toward “age.” Slip when you are walking, forget one’s name, or fumble over a word; well it’s now “news” and part of your opponent’s campaign.

How often have you said, “If I knew then what I know now?” Come on, with age, we all can look back and identify the simple, often stupid things we believed or did that may have seemed proper, but with age, with gained knowledge, well they weren’t the best decisions.

So, these character assassinations, often applied to someone’s age, are they, should they be a valid concern? Do they truly deal with a reasonable concern that we as a voter should think about?

I think not. Why?

Age can be considered for a physical position placement, the need to lift a specific weight, or a task requiring specific posture, or movement; in other words, if the task requires more physical proficiency; then age can be considered. Even the Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recognize that “age” often should be and can be considered with limitations.

For example, you may give special hiring preference for a 65-year-old vs. a 40-year-old applicant for a retirement community for conducting tours, developing recreational activities and planning events simply based on the fact that the 65-year-old better represents and understands the targeted demographics.

With aging, comes wisdom based on experience and your past career dealings. The wisdom gained via lessons of experience can’t be taught; you can’t gain that knowledge by reading a book. This knowledge and understanding is an extremely powerful tool and one that is a must when placing someone in a position that ensures the freedom we all enjoy here in the USA.

Another attribute of aging, supported by many studies, suggests that seniors have superior social skills and more empathy. They fully accept, and better understand different points of view, and they often can easily offer multiple resolutions and easily compromise when dealing with argumentative parties; a must when placed in a decision-making position.

My position: when considering the “age” of our two Presidential candidates; I look at the gains of each based on their past career experiences.

One has many years in the real estate, golf course and casino trade; the other has years of experience in governing, constitutional decision-making and foreign and domestic affairs.

So, which one will I choose for President of this great nation? At my “age”, what “I” have learned; the decision isn’t a difficult one.

God Bless America.

John P. Leseganich Sr.



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