
Limit interference in health care system


Medical providers in the state recently filed a lawsuit against Ohio’s 24-hour abortion waiting period. After voters passed Issue 1 last November, which enshrined the reproductive freedom amendment into the state constitution, we learned that the unnecessary regulations imposed only on abortion care would remain in place unless they were challenged in court.

The 24-hour wait is one such regulation.

No other medical treatment or procedure in Ohio is subject to a legally mandated waiting period. There is absolutely no medical basis for it. In reality, all it does is place additional hurdles to receiving care such as needing more time off work and losing more income as well as increased transportation and childcare costs. For low-income individuals or those with rigid work schedules, they may not be able to overcome these barriers or their care may be significantly delayed. Removing this unnecessary barrier would align Ohio’s policy with evidence-based medical practice, respect patient autonomy, and ensure timely access to care.

Alexis Smith DO

Youngstown, Ohio


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