
Politics makes us ask, how did we get here?


Politics today has become a horror film. It is something that isn’t for the faint hearted. My doctor informed me that I have high blood pressure. He asked me if I smoke, drink or take drugs?

I immediately responded, “no.” He then asked, do you have any idea what is causing it? Projecting loudly, I said, “the news!”

Long gone are the days of Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr. and Boris Karloff. They have been replaced by the Republican Party. Believe me I won’t watch the news alone anymore. Now, I have a blood pressure cuff strapped to my arm.

Almost everywhere I go, when politics comes up, the concerning question is — how did we get here to this point in time? Government is totally polarized, countries are pleading for help in war and our own bodies are being overrun.

Again, the horror plays out, one party refuses to pass a bill; altruism is denied.

Again, the question — How did we get here?

I highly recommend reading the book “Evil Geniuses, the Unmaking of America,” by Kurt Andersen.

It clearly shows the road that led us here.




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