
Be wise when casting votes, avoid fascists


The fasces, an ax bound amid a bundle of rods, is a symbol of authority dating back to the Etruscan society that preceded the rise of Rome. It can be found on either side of the Speakers platform in Congress and on the U.S. dime coin in later use in America. In those uses, it was meant to symbolize strength and Federal power arising from states in union, held together by the votes of citizens. It has represented power over life and death to the Etruscans and to Italian fascists (Mussolini) of the 30s, and would-be dictators of today.

Fascism always offers rabid nationalism, disregard for law and individual rights, persecution of minorities and single-leader authoritarianism as attractive features worthy of support. It is promoted by outrageous rhetoric that dehumanizes people (vermin), raises xenophobic fears (immigrants are poisoning our blood and our institutions), makes rules to suit its leader and his enabling stooges (suspend the Constitution, bogus electors, dictator for a day). Oh, and it dispenses with any regulation by authorities, save one. That’s how Mussolini made the trains run on time, a petty accomplishment, but sufficient to win over his base.

Trump is a new fascist spewing the same old lies, hate and claims of persecution by unnamed “them” without evidence of any such thing anywhere except his imagination. Like a dependable train schedule, it’s all he needs to get his base on board.

Every whining primary election performance before a screaming arena of devotees should remind us of an emperor holding his thumbs up to accept their adulation. That’s great for the emperor. Not so much for the Christians, Jews, gladiators, liberals and conservatives on whom he will set loose wild animals by turning his thumbs down. That’s for anyone who fails to adore him.

So, vote wisely. Do not support candidates who praise Putin, Xi Jinping, Orban, Kim Jong Un and other ravenous despots who need fascists to feed them. It’s likely they are dangerous sociopaths with a narcissistic need to be glorified at any cost, including the loss of our republic to the wild beasts.




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