
We must remove the mask of a dictator


Did you ever wonder how a country becomes Controlled under a tyrannical (dictatorial) government?

The truth is many fail to see what happened.

It is the old “Boiling Frog Philosophy.” It starts with a warm, cuddly feeling; but soon turns into a growing, hard-to-notice threat resulting in catastrophic values.

To better explain or warn of this possibility, we must fully understand what “Dictatorial Government” is.

A dictatorship is a form of government controlled by one person or group with no checks and balances — like when you do away with democratic government agencies, e.g., FBI, Department of Justice, EPA, OSHA, Department of Education and other social, economic safety nets.

A tyrannical government can evolve through military coup, when military members seize power from existing government and install themselves as new ruling power, creating a “military dictatorship.”

Other dictatorship forms of government can come via the ending of competitive elections, e.g., controlling the vote, popular uprisings by citizens (such as Jan. 6 “insurrection”) or legal maneuvering by autocratic elites (motion to quash or suppress certain evidence in legal challenges). Sound familiar? It should.

Many wannabe, goal-oriented dictators will focus on a nation’s condition — economic, political instability and military capability. They will focus more on negativity applied to the above, even if such negativities are unwarranted. They will take the position that only they can properly address the problem, only they are the answer. Sound familiar? It should.

It’s also important to understand different types of dictatorships: Authoritarian (single-party dictatorship); Oligarchic (group of affluent individuals controlling existing Democratic-in-appearance-only government); Theocratic (religious belief applied to the nation); Military Junta (when military is in control); Single-Party-State (where only one political party can operate). Each can be applied to many dictatorial governments worldwide. Many are hidden but can be identified through their comments and wishes.

If you wish to live in a nation where you cannot speak against the regime, criticize political decisions, have a controlled news media, limited travel, controlled economic gains or justice system that works for only the wealthy, adhere to the “Love It or Leave It” doctrine; then a dictatorial government may be what you want. If it sounds like a familiar threat, it should.

We all must be aware, listen closely to those seeking political office and look at who they are, their beliefs, how they rose to power, who their supporters are and what they seek to gain. If you choose not to, if you choose to not invoke your power of decision (vote), then you must live with the outcome.

God Bless America.




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