
Johnson receives shady appointment


Thank you for pointing out the incredible ability of all but one member of the YSU board of trustees to choose a new university president while figuratively wearing black bags over their heads and cotton in their ears. They selected a seven-term holder of one of the most gerrymandered districts in the state, who denies the accuracy of the 2020 election, affirmed by more than 60 courts of law, in support of a fascist would-be dictator.

The only “emergency” in appointing a new president is the ham-fisted, willful sneak attack put on by this board. It stinks of political strong arming. It causes me to think there may have been another “perfect call,” this time from Columbus, to threaten funding as demonstrated by the GOP’s shameless leader.

As was done in the 1960s during what was called the “imperial presidency” of Richard Nixon, I hope the student body, faculty and taxpayers will loudly protest this sham appointment of a politico with no qualification for the post other than loyalty to the man who still is attempting to overthrow our democracy.

Mr. Johnson’s own words (“Simply rubber-stamping these slipshod and partisan-laced electoral outcomes is wrong”) should be applied to his under-the-table appointment.




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