
Department of Justice is no longer equal under law


Over the years, it has been subject to various controversies and accusations of corruption. While the majority of DOJ employees are dedicated public servants, it is crucial to address any valid concerns and maintain transparency to preserve public trust. But recent events have showed that it has been weaponized by the Biden Administration to target political opponents and other individuals who don’t agree with this administration’s policies.

First, the department is led by the Attorney General, who is appointed by the president. The appointment process has often been a subject of intense political scrutiny, leading to concerns about the Attorney General’s impartiality and loyalty to the sitting administration. When the DOJ appears to be serving the interests of a particular political party, rather than upholding the law independently, it can lead to suspicions of corruption. High-profile cases being influenced by political motivations can undermine the public’s faith in the justice system and breed cynicism.

Second, instances of prosecutorial misconduct also have fueled allegations of corruption within the DOJ. These instances of misconduct include hiding exculpatory evidence, witness tampering, selective prosecution and overcharging defendants. Such behavior undermines the integrity of the justice system and can result in wrongful convictions or lenient treatment for individuals with political connections.

Third, the revolving door between the DOJ and the private sector has raised concerns about undue corporate influence on the department. Former DOJ officials may take lucrative positions in law firms or corporations, representing interests that they previously regulated or investigated. This can create conflicts of interest and undermine the department’s ability to hold corporations accountable for wrongdoing. Additionally, lobbying efforts by corporations seeking favorable outcomes in legal cases or regulatory matters can influence DOJ decisions, casting doubt on the department’s independence and integrity.

Finally, transparency and accountability are critical to maintaining public trust in any governmental institution. However, the DOJ has faced criticism for its lack of transparency, particularly in high-profile cases. When the public perceives that certain cases are handled differently, with information selectively released or withheld, it raises suspicions of corruption and favoritism. Moreover, the lack of proper mechanisms to hold DOJ officials accountable for any proven misconduct can further fuel perceptions of a corrupt culture within the department.

As current events have shown, the DOJ can no longer be trusted when it comes to upholding the law equally. You cannot have a two-tiered justice system and expect the public to believe that “Lady Justice” is still blind.




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