
The nature of man never has changed


Please read below fictional knight Don Quixote’s, diatribe against agents of the King and Holy Brotherhood while he was being arrested by them for highway robbery. Note how it parallels today’s news and social media posts as noted in parentheses:

“‘Ah, vile rabble, your low and base intelligence does not deserve to have heaven communicate to you the great worth of (Donald Trump) knight errantry, or allow you to understand the sin and ignorance into which you have fallen when you do not reverence the shadow, let alone the actual presence, of (Donald Trump) any knight errant. Come, you brotherhood of thieves, you highway robbers sanctioned by the (DOJ) Holy Brotherhood, come and tell me who was the (Jack Smith) fool who signed an arrest warrant against (Donald Trump) such a knight as I? Who was the (Jack Smith) dolt who did not know that (Donald Trump is) knights errant are exempt from all jurisdictional authority, or was unaware that their law is their sword, their edicts their courage, their statutes their will? Who was the (Jack Smith) imbecile, I say, who did not know that there is no patent of nobility with as many privileges and immunities as those acquired by (Donald Trump) a knight errant on the day he is dubbed (President) a knight and dedicates himself to the rigorous practice of chivalry? What (Donald Trump) knight errant ever paid a tax, a duty, a queen’s levy, a tribute, a tariff, or a toll? What tailor ever received payment from him for the clothes he sewed? What castellan welcomed him to his castle and then asked him to pay the cost? What king has not sat him at his table? What damsel has not loved him and given herself over to his will and desire? And, finally, what (Donald Trump) knight errant ever was, is, or will be in the world who does not have the courage to single-handedly deliver 400 blows to 400 (political opponents and witnesses) Brotherhoods if they presume to oppose him?”

This text was written by Miguel De Cervantes, c1605, in the book Don Quixote. Don Quixote, that fictional knight errant, was insane.

History does repeat itself, and the nature of man has never changed.




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