
‘Weaponizing’ justices of US Supreme Court


Jamie Stiehm’s syndicated opinion column in the July 6 Vindicator states six Catholic justices “rule the land, wielding religious beliefs like a weapon” belittling them as “rotten.”

Anti-religious bias has no place in America, but anti-Catholic rhetoric seems to be fair game for some “journalists” who are not only bigoted, but produce hateful rhetoric. Stiehm ostensibly would prefer a “no Catholic allowed” litmus test for judicial appointments. Our founding fathers’ document, The Declaration of Independence, clearly states “all men are created equal.”

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America prohibits laws preventing the free exercise of religion. When Congress or the lower courts obstruct religious freedom, Jamie Stiehm wishes those “weaponizing” and “rotten” six Catholic justices would agree with them.

What if Stiehm substituted Muslim or Jewish for Catholic? That would be equally offensive and wrong.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has limits.




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