
About Pilgrims and college debt


For once, I agree with syndicated columnist John Stossel. His lesson on the “socialism” experiment by the Pilgrims is full of facts. One of them is most inconvenient.

The Plymouth government gave every family property to privately own.

Owning private property still is considered a key to building wealth in America. An impediment to building wealth has been the drain of college debt.

When John Stossel went to college, students could put themselves through school with a minimum-wage job. (College also helped John Stossel avoid military service during Vietnam.) The cost of college has gone up over 3,000 percent since his day, while the minimum wage hasn’t even increased by a factor of ten.

Without the benefit of facts, John Stossel claims the government paying off student debt would “punish” a long list of people, even absurdly claiming, the poor.

The high cost of college relative to yesteryear should be a matter of serious investigation, discussion and possible government regulation.

Owning private property can lead to prosperity and so can proper government assistance and regulation. The Pilgrims proved it.


North Jackson


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