
Trump cannot be trusted with secrets


Several months ago, Eric Trump showed up for a legal deposition in New York.

He pleaded the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times to questions regarding possible bank fraud, money laundering, tax evasion and other potential missteps by the Trump business organization.

His siblings and his father, the former president, also sat for hours reciting the Fifth Amendment on the same issues.

Donald Trump Sr., who repeatedly uttered “Crooked Hillary” and “Lock her up!” because of Clinton’s lax handling of emails on a personal server, all the sudden has turned into a self-proclaimed victim.

This is the guy who took numerous containers of sensitive documents belonging to the U.S. government, which had to be retrieved, and who has repeatedly said that pleading the Fifth Amendment implied guilt.

The man who repeatedly pushed his own version of law and order now claims victimhood. If he actually believes his rhetoric, all he has to do is show us the entire warrant in his possession.

Warrants are issued every day to other Americans without sympathy or interest.

I’m sure the National Security Administration and Department of Justice remember that in May 2017 Trump revealed sensitive information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a meeting.

Who can trust “Flush-it-down-the-toilet Don” with our national secrets?

No one.


Sharon, Pa.


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