
Vote for J.D. Vance for US Senate this November

Vote Vance for US

Senate in November


Tim Ryan, U.S. representative from Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, now is running for the U.S. Senate seat for Ohio. Ryan is the ultimate career politician, and I believe he will say and do anything to continue feeding at the public trough. His only concern is his next job and his own welfare.

The Democratic Party has given its candidates the OK to distance themselves from the national party and to say whatever they need to get elected. Ryan is making full use of that policy to try to reinvent himself as a viable candidate. Ryan has overpromised and underachieved for far too long.

J.D. Vance is the Republican candidate for senator and deserves the chance to deliver on his promise. I already know that Ryan cannot or will not deliver. I resided in the 13th District.

Do your part and vote Vance!




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