
Change of approach needed on flooding


MS Consultants hosted a meeting Nov. 11 in Canfield to present plans to alleviate flooding on Bradford and South Briarcliff drives. It included several sites for water detention ponds. To build these ponds, several residents would have to sell some property. One pond would be approximately 500 feet long and 4 to 5 feet deep, behind several Garwood Drive residences. Other items presented were upsizing drainage pipes from Bradford and South Briarcliff.

Several concerns were raised. What kind of insects (mosquitos) or animals will the body of water attract? If a child wanders into the water and is injured, who is liable? How would it impact property values? Several Garwood residents expressed opposition. Construction of detention ponds as suggested appears ill advised. Residents involved do not want them and are unwilling to give up some property. One suggestion was to have MS Consultants look at constructing underground stormwater storage tanks under the high school’s soccer field. Of course, the school would have to approve. Cost of this MS contract is said to be $31,975.

Many times, I have suggested an alternative plan that has fallen on deaf ears. Why do we have flooding? In my opinion and from years of observations, the storm water cannot get out of the city because of culvert restrictions. Yes, there are many neighborhoods that need larger pipes to feed into Sawmill Creek. But the northwest city has 11 sets of culverts through which water must pass. I personally measured size and elevation of each culvert. During heavy rains, stormwater backs up at these points and can lead to flooding upstream. For example, at Verdant Drive, there are two 60-inch culverts. Water flows eastward and through two 60-inch culverts on private property on Glenview. On another 100 yards, all this water flows to one 60-inch culvert.

You do not have to be a civil engineer to see this won’t work! Also, stormwater from Northview, Southview, Garwood and the west side of Glenview flow into the stream before the single Glenview culvert. During heavy rainfall, a large body of water forms before this culvert. Water coming from upstream backs up, leading to potential flooding. An adjacent resident regularly has had water enter his house. Recently, his above-ground swimming pool overflowed by the depth of this large body of water attempting to leave the city. On the east side of Glenview, water coming from Callahan is restricted by a single 40-inch culvert. Another large body of water forms here, backing up drainage to Callahan.

Instead of trying to accumulate stormwater in unwanted ponds, how about removing restrictions and let water quickly flow out unrestricted?




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