
America is traveling in frightful direction


As a Christian and a registered Republican, I am fearful the direction our country is taking.

In the past, I never voted strictly party line, as to me it was important to vote for the most qualified candidate. I no longer vote that way due to how far left the Democratic Party has gone.

It is a very scary time, where as a conservative, you are reluctant to voice your opinion for fear of severe backlash from the radical left. I am very much pro life, and now we have a presidential and vice presidential candidates that believe a baby’s life can be taken away at the moment of birth and some do not consider this murder. Really?

Nancy Pelosi is now pledging to repeal the Hyde amendment that would do away with the ban of taxpayer funding for abortions. Along with that, what has happened to our country? There is so much disrespect today for what our country was founded on, along with disrespect for our flag and those who gave their lives for our freedom.

Our country, our president and all those in authority need our prayers. Growing up, I remember when the Ten Commandments were displayed in our schools, and we started each day with prayer. We need this now more than ever.




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