
Sound off!

­Have something to say?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News,” then “Sound Off.”

I recently got the chance to meet and talk with our new state Rep. Al Cutrona. What a fine young man. He told me he only wants to help the people of his district and represent their concerns to the state, and he gave me his cellphone number. I believe him. He is personable and sincere. I think he will do an excellent job representing us and in replacing Don Manning.

• Boardman

Eric Gardner killed with a choke hold; Tamar Rice killed in 2 seconds; John Crawford buying a BB gun at a Cincinnati store killed within a minute; Breonna Taylor shot eight times sleeping in bed; Ahmaud Arbery shot while jogging. The killers are still free. George Floyd — will his killers also be freed? Trump ignored pandemic warnings and the 21st century policing plan. He’s dismantling legislative oversight, judicial policies, intelligence agencies, military, ACA, etc. Be prepared for more hurt.

• Campbell

These 11 words will solve our problems of the day: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

• Canfield

What happened to George Floyd was wrong. The cops should be punished. Protests are OK, but violence and vandalism are not. Our governor told us to close our state, but then did nothing as towns looked like war zones. Police kill or injure people, let’s blame Donald Trump. But how many would let looters enter our neighborhood and do nothing? How politically correct do we have to be? I’m sure many think like I do but are too wimpy to speak.

• Austintown

Minneapolis wants to get rid of the police. I guess volunteers will patrol the streets, so at 1 a.m. the bad guy is coming in your window, you dial 911, and a recording says no one is here until 9 a.m. Please leave a message after the beep. Good luck, fools.

• Girard

Is judging all police by the actions of a few different than judging all people of a particular race, black or white, by actions of few? In my view, there is no difference! Prejudice, discrimination and racism are human flaws. We must learn to recognize those flaws in ourselves, rectify or, at minimum, manage them. Painting all blacks with the same brush is the worst of injustices, as is doing so with police or whites.

• Canfield

The death of the man in Minneapolis was senseless. However, no one should ever resist during arrest, whether or not guilty. Let the court decide guilt, not the police.

• Boardman

Why do the Republicans need a convention? We know who the nominee is. Why do the Democrats need a convention? We know who the nominee is. Announce the VPs, and save the money and potential exposure to coronavirus.

• Canfield

Donald Trump might as well have carried a shovel instead of a Bible as he strode to his photo op scowling before a church. He knows not the use of the tool or the Scripture. We can all hope that when his regime crumbles at the will of voters, his Cabinet and GOP Senate will follow him. Remember this in November, and vote to turn out this lot.

• Canfield


Sound off!

The Trump presidency is willing to dig a hole as a distraction to its wallowing at the bottom of the D.C. swamp. Trump might have been carrying a shovel, instead of a Bible, as he strode to his photo op as a scowling emperor before a church. He knows not the use of the tool or the Scripture. He is the modern-day Ozymandias of the Shelley poem of that name. We can all hope that when his regime crumbles at the will of voters, his toady cabinet and lackey GOP Senate follow him into the wasteland his carnage is creating. Remember in November and vote to turn out this lot of posturing con men.

• Canfield

Interested in meeting U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan from Ohio? Here are three suggestions: One: Stick a shovel in the ground. Tim will think it is a new business and will be there to take credit for improving the economy. Two: Hang a “going out of business” sign; he will be there to blame Republicans and President Trump. Three: Contribute to his re-election campaign. What is our area’s return on investment from the annual $174,000 plus benefits Ryan receives?

• Canfield

The Center Street Veterans bridge that connects Wilson Avenue to Poland Avenue must have been made on the cheap. What kind of expansion joints were used? Whatever they did use is not working. Now they blacktop over the joints every few months to help smooth over your ride. It does not work. Please redo with the proper bridge joints.

• Campbell

Every day it seems Donald Trump does or says something even more immoral, outrageous, divisive or untruthful than he has done before. Over 18,000 lies in three and a half years! As unbelievable as this is for our president, what’s more unbelievable is the number of Americans who think this behavior is acceptable. I never thought the Republican congressmen would bow to this maniac. They are as culpable as Trump. The Fox News Kool-Aid drinkers are following the same path as the followers of Jim Jones and David Koresh. Please watch any other station just for a day or two and see that the real fake news is FoxNews. God help us all.

• Youngstown

As a long-time-ago retired cop, I watch the news and see over and over again cops killing unarmed black men and cannot understand it. I worked black neighborhoods and made some lifelong friends with men I arrested. We still see each other often, and they are as confused as I am. Police work is not us against them. They are not the enemy, just people that unfortunately choose crime instead of a job. They are still people with families and feelings just like you. Watching the cop with his knee on that man’s neck was disgusting. The smirk on his face while the man died over a minuscule crime is hard to believe.

• Canfield

The whole country witnessed the sickening murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops. Trump has told cops they don’t have to be gentle with prisoners. Since then, several innocent black men have been killed by cops. Trump has threatened governors, threatened to shoot looters. He had protesters teargassed to clear the way so he could hold up a Bible in front of a famous church. What scares me the most is that he used the secretary of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff as props. Why are these people so terrified of him? Why not say no? Let’s hope someone does soon.

• Girard


­Have something to say?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News,” then “Sound Off.”


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