Police blotter Boardman
Police activity reported Dec. 4-10:
Dec. 10, 9:30 p.m. — Debra J. Burkey, 61, 39 Indianola Road, Boardman, was arrested by Mahoning County deputies on Boardman warrants for burglary, robbery and assault.
5:49 p.m. — Janie L. Hernandez, 37, 46 Maple Drive, Boardman, voluntarily turned herself in on Boardman warrants for possession of drugs, possession of dangerous drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia.
3:05 p.m. — Harriet P. Cortez, 46, 6885 Langston Run, Canfield, voluntarily turned herself in on four Boardman theft warrants.
Dec. 9, 4:24 p.m. — A 15-year-old Boardman girl was arrested at a Clifton Drive residence on an unruly juvenile charge.
1:42 p.m. — Desire R. Pruitt, 39, 430 School St., Warren, voluntarily turned herself in on a theft warrant.
10:59 a.m. — A skimmer device was seized after it was discovered on a credit card terminal at Save a Lot, 223 Boardman-Canfield Road.
12:07 a.m. — Darnasia L. Smith, 26, 1908 S.R. 183, Atwater, was arrested at Walmart, 1300 Doral Drive, on a theft charge and James F. Coffee, 37, 2460 Eastwood Ave., Newton Falls, was arrested in the parking lot of Walmart on possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia charges.
Dec. 8, 9:19 a.m. — A report was taken at Shell, 950 Boardman-Poland Road, after a man attempted to claim an EBT card left at the store and a woman entered the store and threatened employees and both fled in a gold / copper Buick sedan with damage on the front left quarter panel.
Dec. 7, 7:08 p.m. — Notification was given by the Youngstown Police Department that a vehicle reported stolen on Dec. 2 was recovered after being involved in a traffic crash on Dean Avenue and three juveniles were arrested.
6:55 p.m. — Tamesha R. Elliott, 52, 4271 Lake Road, Austintown, was arrested in the 5600 block of Southern Boulevard on a charge of operating a vehicle impaired.
3:48 p.m. — Harriet P. Cortez, 46, 6885 Langston Run, Canfield, was arrested at Meijer, 1400 Boardman-Canfield Road, on a theft charge.
3:20 p.m. — Steven E. Cunningham, 34, 1271 Erie St., East Liverpool, was arrested at Walmart, 1300 Doral Drive, on a theft charge.
3:17 p.m. — Mathew McCale, 61, 2237 Ohltown-McDonald Road, McDonald, and Daniel J. Tucci, 55, 701 North Park Ave., Warren, were each arrested during a traffic stop on Market Street on possession of drug paraphernalia charges, and McCale was cited for driving while under suspension and expired registration.
2:19 a.m. — Aliyah M. Carter, 20, undisclosed address, was arrested at St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital on a Mercer, Pa. probation violation warrant.
Dec. 6, 9:27 p.m. — James F. Myers, 83, 1862 Woodlawn Ave., Boardman, was arrested on an aggravated menacing charge.
4:35 p.m. — Tedy J. Mendez, 34, 123 Shadyside Drive, Boardman, was arrested at a Shadyside Drive residence on two domestic violence charges.
12:52 a.m. — Ward B. Nair, 71, 3821 Indian Run Drive, Canfield, was arrested on an operating a vehicle impaired charge in the 1200 block of Boardman-Canfield Road during an investigation into a vehicle in the ditch, and was cited for open container and failure to control.
Dec. 5, 11:47 p.m. — A 15-year-old Boardman boy was arrested at a Beechwood Drive residence on an unruly juvenile charge.
2:45 p.m. — A 13-year-old Youngstown boy and an 11-year-old Youngstown boy were each arrested at Walmart, 1300 Doral Drive, on theft charges.
Dec. 4, 6:18 p.m. — Colin T. Shea, 20, 3200 College Ave., Beaver Falls, PA., and Kylie L. Napolitan, 19, of the same address, were each arrested at Walmart, 1300 Doral Drive, on theft charges.
5:02 p.m. — Felix R. Velez, 33, 119 Blackburn St., Campbell, was arrested at 1138 Boardman-Poland Road on a Campbell drug possession warrant.
4:04 p.m. — Aleine S. Hughes, 53, 2059 Webster Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., was arrested at Classic Bakery, 7135 Tiffany Blvd., on a theft charge.
3:40 p.m. — Theft of $2,700 from a vehicle reported at 6911 South Ave.