Poland Village Assisted Living celebrates with an Inauguration Ball

Staff photo / J.T. Whitehouse Poland Village Assisted Living residents Patrick McCree, left, and Phyllis DeChurch pose with a life-size cutout of President Trump during a first-ever Inauguration Ball at the facility. Phyllis said she is a Democrat who was just there for the party.
Most of the 65 residents of Poland Village Assisted Living held a special party Monday afternoon, following the oath of office for the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump. The party was an Inauguration Ball, put together by the staff as a fun event, which included a life-size cut-out of President Trump.
“We talk with residents and ask them what’s on their bucket lists,” said Poland Village Assisted Living Director of Marketing Jackie Jones. “One item on the list was attending a big ball or party.”
With the inauguration of Donald Trump on Monday, the idea came up to have an Inauguration Ball.
“We are a pretty mixed group here,” Jones said. “We are a mix of Republicans and Democrats, but we love to come together for a party.”
To pull off the event, the facility joined with Cornerstone Caregiving and Akeso Home Health and Hospice to help provide entertainment, champagne and fancy hors d’oeuvres.
At 2 p.m., the facility doors were opened for family and friends to attend the ball. Among some of those attending were members of the Boardman Park Senior Group.
The assisted living residents often attend Senior Fun Day at Boardman Park and have made many new friends they invited to the Monday ball.
“We try to keep our residents involved, and they all vote,” Jones said.
She said the residents may have differing political opinions, but they know how to get along and enjoy each other’s company.
Resident Phyllis DeChurch said she is a Democrat, but didn’t mind getting her picture taken with a life-sized Donald Trump. She claimed she was there for the party, not any political party, just the party.
Resident Glenna Jeffrey is one of the Trump supporters at the facility. She was up and glued to the television for the inauguration prior to the local event.
“I thought the inauguration went well,” she said. “I had read J.D. Vance’s book and found it was amazing.”
She said at Poland Village Assisted Living, the staff works hard to let every person be who they are.
“They want you to be you,” she said.
Jones added the residents not only stay engaged but also experience the joy of giving back. This month residents are working on Valentine’s Day cards to go out to those who are shut-ins.
As for the Inauguration Ball, Jones said it would certainly be something to hold again in four years.
“Once we start something and it’s a success, it becomes a repeated event. Although this one wouldn’t be annual, it will likely be held again in 2029,” Jones said.