
Woman sentenced to two years in prison for incident involving a child

Struthers woman, boyfriend used meth with teen girl, had sex with her

Staff photo / Ed Runyan Rachel Hoover, 39, of Struthers, during her sentencing hearing Thursday in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court. She was sentenced to two years in prison on felony child endangering for an incident involving a child.

YOUNGSTOWN — A Struthers woman was sentenced to two years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty in March to felony child endangering and misdemeanor sexual imposition for offenses involving a child.

Judge John Durkin of Mahoning County Common Pleas Court handed down the sentence to Rachel E. Hoover, 39, who gets credit for 192 days already served in the Mahoning County jail while awaiting trial.

Hoover’s co-defendant, William J. Hutchko, 41, of Canfield, was sentenced last week to 42 months in prison after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. He got credit for 185 days spent in the county jail awaiting trial.

According to a Struthers police report, a woman reported she was told by Hoover that she and her boyfriend, Hutchko, had a sex with a 14-year-old girl.

The incident began at Hutchko’s home in Canfield and ended at Hoover’s home in Struthers, police were told. While Struthers officers were gathering information from Hoover’s friend, Hoover and Hutchko showed up at the Struthers Police Department, the report states.

Hoover told officers the allegations were true. She said methamphetamine was used by her, Hutchko and the child during the episode.

Hutchko was made aware of the age of the child, but did not care, Hoover said. Hutchko initially denied the conduct, but later confessed, the report states. He told police he suffered from a traumatic brain injury that disabled him from reading and writing, so a body cam recording of his statement was taken instead of him writing out a statement, according to the report.

Hoover said she was “so high off of the methamphetamine that she smoked, that she wasn’t fully aware of what she was doing, permitting and engaging in,” the report states.

Have an interesting story? Contact Ed Runyan by email at erunyan@vindy.com. Follow us on X, formerly Twitter, @TribToday.


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