
Council committee to discuss health OT payments Monday

YOUNGSTOWN — City council’s finance committee will discuss Monday the controversial issue of whether to pay $24,298.48 in overtime to seven health district employees, including the commissioner and five other management workers who normally aren’t permitted to receive the additional money.

The administration is seeking the overtime pay for the seven, which includes a union member, for extra work they did during the COVID-19 pandemic this year. The money would come from a state grant.

During a June 14 finance committee meeting, it was decided to postpone a June 16 council vote on the overtime payouts until it could be further discussed.

That discussion will occur Monday, said Councilwoman Lauren McNally, D-5th Ward and finance committee chairwoman.

“I don’t know if they can be paid overtime,” she said.

Health Commissioner Erin Bishop pointed to almost $30,000 in overtime paid to health district employees for overtime related to the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 and 2010 as a precedent.

Read more in Sunday’s Vindicator.


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