
Sat. 2:40 p.m.: DeWine lauds the late Rep. Don Manning

Rep. Don Manning, R-New Middletown

Rep. Don Manning, R-New Middletown, has died unexpectedly. He was 54.

Gov. Mike DeWine praised Manning’s leadership this afternoon, prior to beginning his daily coronavirus update.

He stressed that Manning’s death is not related to the pandemic.

DeWine and his wife Fran extended their personal condolences to Manning and his family.

The governor said Manning was experiencing chest pains Friday afternoon. He was taken to a local hospital where he died.

No further details are immediately available.

Manning was serving in his first term in the Ohio legislature, representing the 59th district, which covers most of Mahoning County.

“Representative Manning was a good friend and good legislator. Don loved the Mahoning Valley and his work in the legislature,” House Speaker Larry Householder said in his statement.

Ohio House Democrats Gil Blair, D-Weathersfield; Michael O’Brien, D-Warren; and Michele Lepore-Hagan, D-Youngstown, who also serve parts of the Mahoning Valley, released this statement: “It is with great sadness that we woke this morning to learn of the passing of our colleague and neighbor Don Manning. We send our deepest condolences to his family during these difficult times.”

Manning attended Springfield Local Schools and Mahoning County Career and Technical Center, and served in the U.S. Navy. He leaves two children.

This is a developing story. For more, check back here or read Sunday’s Vindicator print edition.


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