
Century Village hosts Civil War encampment

BURTON — The premiere of a musical about abolitionist John Brown will be part of this weekend’s Civil War encampment at Century Village.

“John Brown The Dulcimer Diaries,” written by Treva Offutt and Craig Matis, features original songs and dulcimer music as it tells the story of the abolitionist who was executed in Virginia in 1859 for inciting a slave rebellion at Harpers Ferry earlier that year.

The production will start at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday at Auburn Church, and the story will unfold at different locations on the Century Village grounds.

Other attractions during the weekend include battle reenactments at 1 p.m. both days, a field hospital demonstrating treatments for wounded soldiers, a fashion show, sutlers and vendors village and an 1800s tea.

The event runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Century Village, 14653 E. Park St., Burton. Admission is $10 with children ages 4 to 10 admitted for $5.

A Civil War Ball will be hosted in the Lennah Bond Activity Center at 6 p.m. Saturday. Tickets for the ball, which includes dinner and dancing are $35 with a $10 discount for those who attend in Civil War attire.

For more information, go to centuryvillagemuseum.org or call 440-834-1492.


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