
Patty Kimerer

Here’s the juice on latest scammer techniques

It never ceases to amaze me, how plain old despicable we humans are to one another, you know, just on general principle. I submit, as Exhibit A, a new phenomenon that I recently stumbled upon depicting brand-new ways to “hack” someone. I guess it’s a sad but apparently true reality ...

Odd foodstuffs just don’t hold any appeal to PK

We are all creatures of habit. This I know and really, have written about on more than one occasion. It’s been approximately 943 times. OK fine, I’m exaggerating. I’m a humor columnist though, so it’s sort of a license to “borrow ideas,” you see? In fact, allow me to ...

Everyone knows ‘Friends’ should be top sitcom

You know it, I know it and the American people know it. Or at least that’s what the late great Bob Dole, a World War II hero, senator and eventual Republican presidential candidate, used to always say. With respect to his legacy and memory, I say again: You know it, I know it and the ...

Weathering Ohio weather isn’t all sunshine

“Ah, the Ohio climate; there’s just no better weather,” said no one. Ever. Seriously. To prove my disapproval of our environmental environment, I went to the experts at www.weatheratlas.com . Here’s the 4-1-1 on our funny forecast foray from the big brains running said ...

Geezer PK gives the 411 on the olden days

There are a lot of things that we old geezers do that today’s young whippersnappers would never comprehend. I don’t mean to dis millennials, et al; it’s just that some of these facts are, well, factual. • Writing letters to send in the mail. No, I don’t mean emails or ...

A few of her favorite summer things

Recently, I felt the need to validate my love for the summer season. Oh, you winter lovers calm down. I’ll give you top billing come December, a’ight? As always, I may or may not be using my friends’ and family members’ real names, just in case they offered something completely off ...