
Lovina enjoys summer days

Today daughter Loretta and sons Denzel and Byron came here after my husband Joe and sons left for work. Daughter Verena left last night; she went to daughter Susan and Ervin’s house. She will stay with their five oldest children today while Susan will go help prepare for Ervin’s brother Steven’s wedding, which is Thursday.

I’m still trying to get used to not having daughter Lovina home in the mornings. We miss her here, but I am happy for her and Daniel. It seems different seeing her sit with the women in church instead of with the young girls.

Denzel is snuggled up with Loretta on the loveseat. He looks tired but is looking over here watching me pen this column. Byron is in the pack and play crib, talking to himself. He will probably talk himself to sleep. Denzel turned 2 on July 10. He is a busybody, and he’s started his terrible twos early. Ha ha! He’s a sweetie, though, and can act so innocent when he does something wrong.

Yesterday son Benjamin came home from work and buttered some bread to make himself a grilled cheese sandwich. He walked away to go do something else, and when he came back, his one piece of bread was gone. Denzel had spotted the buttered bread and figured it would be a good snack. He loves bread with butter (and sometimes jelly). We had to laugh about Benjamin’s disappearing bread.

Sunday church services were held at our neighbors’ house. Our family, along with sister Emma and son Jacob, nephew Benjamin and Crystal and son, came here after lunch. They all ended up staying for supper.

The men grilled chicken, and along with that we had mashed potatoes, noodles, corn, cheese, homemade bread, butter and strawberry jam, ice cream and cookies. It was an enjoyable afternoon and evening spent together. Everyone ate outside on our big L-shaped porch.

Our zucchini is doing well out in the garden. Last night I fried sliced zucchini, green beans, onions and peppers together in olive oil.

Our banana peppers are doing well, too, and we had our first meal of them stuffed with cream cheese and shredded cheese, then wrapped with bacon. We put them on the grill to cook. Our sweet corn should be ready to eat soon. Green beans, peas and all those garden goodies make meal planning much easier.

On July 3, Ervin and Susan invited our family and Mose’s family to gather at the graveyard where they put a gravestone on Mose’s grave. Our whole family, Mose’s parents, and three of his brothers and families attended. It brought back many memories of that sad day in December 2020 when Mose lost his life due to injuries from a traffic accident on his way to work.

I invited everyone here for hot dog sandwiches and snacks afterward, but Mose’s family couldn’t come. Our family all came, and once again that big porch was used to eat on. I have been leaving the extra tables and chairs on there, so when they all come home everyone has enough room to sit and eat.

God’s blessings to all!

Here is a recipe for the pudding we served at Lovina’s wedding.

Caramel pudding

6 ounces Nestle La Lechera milk-based caramel

2 (16-ounce) containers whipped topping

Caramel baking chips

Caramel sundae syrup

Whip together the milk-based caramel and whipped topping. Garnish with caramel baking chips and caramel sundae syrup. Leftover pudding will freeze well. The amount of milk-based caramel can be adjusted to your preference.

Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, P.O. Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email LovinasAmishKitchen@MennoMedia.org.

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