
Browns DT injured day after arrest

BEREA — Cleveland Browns rookie defensive tackle Mike Hall Jr. got hurt in practice on Wednesday, one day after he was arrested and charged with domestic violence for allegedly putting a gun to his fiancee’s head during an argument.

Hall was injured during the first of two joint practices against the Minnesota Vikings.

The second-round pick from Ohio State was checked by trainers on the field before walking under his own power to the team’s facility for further examination. Hall went down during an 11-on-11 drill.

Coach Kevin Stefanski had no details about Hall’s injury. Stefanski was on an opposite field from where Hall got hurt.

On Tuesday, Hall was arraigned in Avon Lake Municipal Court and pleaded not guilty to one count of domestic violence. He was released from jail after posting $10,000 bond. He’s scheduled to be back in court on Sept. 10, two days after the Browns’ season opener against Dallas.

The Browns are allowing the 21-year-old to practice while the legal process plays out.

Stefanski was asked about the optics of allowing Hall to remain active and around the team.

“I understand what you’re asking, honestly,” Stefanski said. “But for us, we have to trust in the process and really it’s that.”

Stefanski gave similar answers to several other questions about Hall’s legal situation.

Police were called to a home the 21-year-old Hall shares with his fiancee in Avon on Monday night. According to an incident report, the woman told police that Hall became violent during a dispute over finances.

At one point, Hall put a gun to her temple, the report said. Police seized two handguns from the residence.

Browns safety Rodney McLeod said Hall’s teammates will support him.

“We’re a team. We’re a family,” he said. “And we’re understanding that certain things are going to arise and take place and so you have to treat it as such. We’re all human beings and so for us we’re just trying to learn more about what took place and we will handle things accordingly.”


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