
Legendary Mooney coach Don Bucci passes away

Bucci won 4 state titles with Cardinals and served as AD from 1999-2020

Submitted photo / Former Cardinal Mooney football coach Don Bucci is carried off the field by his players during his coaching days with the Cardinals. Bucci passed away Saturday evening. He was 89.

A Cardinal Mooney spokesperson confirmed that longtime football coach Don Bucci passed away Saturday at the age of 89.

Bucci led the Mooney program from 1966 to 1999 season, amassing a 306-89-5 record. The Cardinals won four state titles in that time span, winning the crown in 1973, 1980, 1982 and 1987. According to the OHSAA state record book, Bucci is the 12th winningest coach all-time.

“Despite all the wins and all the championships, I think his greatest impact was the impact he had on, and the lessons he taught to, so many young men throughout his career,” said current Mooney football coach and athletic director Carl Pelini.

Following his tenure as head coach, Bucci was the school’s athletic director until his retirement in 2020.

Bucci got his start with the Cardinals program in 1961 as an assistant, learning under Denny Barnett. He was a graduate of East High School and after graduation went on to play quarterback at the University of Notre Dame.


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