
Sound off!

By definition “eminent domain” is to acquire something of value for a “common good.” So a park wants land? Not in the best interest of everyone is the first point. The area the park wants to make a trail defies any logic. Following the railway makes some sense. Following Washingtonville Road at least provides some transparency to the people using it. I must question the unintended consequences if the park board were to get their way. I can foresee only costly and bad outcomes for no relative benefit to anyone.


National conservative leaders have placed their party in a losing position. They have decided that it’s best to own the libs, denigrate people, be against programs like the Affordable Care Act, women’s health, infrastructure, vaccinations and to be unwelcome to people not like them. They offer no programs to attract “others.” Therefore the party shrinks. The result is poor quality leaders from the extreme right of the party.


Congressman-elect George Santos is the ideal GOP member of Congress, having already established himself as a liar of Trumpian proportions, even before being sworn in, and will likely show Trump-like fealty to that oath unchallenged by the GOP. Lose a rubber stamp in Georgia and get another in New York, oh well.


MetroParks is wrong to take a person’s farmland for recreational use. Quit wasting taxpayers’ money on attorney’s fees. Take care of existing funds as you will need those funds after people get the results of the next property assessment. There are a lot of people like me who voted automatically for park levies who will no longer do so. A person’s property is sacred, but to even consider recreation as more important than farmland questions the morality of those in charge.


It is shameful what Congress just passed. The pork in this budget bill is unbelievable. Republicans who voted for this have been manipulated and the news media have been manipulated. All Schumer talks about is the money going to the Ukraine as if that was all that was in this bill. How stupid are we to believe that? Wake up and see that our government is a soap opera, but we are paying the price.


Your editorial on Dec. 27 concerning government pension bailouts was misleading. You blamed the Biden Administration for not restoring the Delphi salaried workers pensions when actually it was the Republicans who voted it down. The Susan Muffley Act, which would have restored their pensions, passed the House, was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sherrod Brown and Biden said he would sign it, but it was defeated in the Senate by the Republicans.


If anyone believes that Mahoning County commissioners had no say in the firing of a county employee who supported a candidate of the Republican Party, then they are truly blind to the partisanship that has engulfed our Valley for decades. It’s time these career politicians be removed from office as their usefulness has long since expired.


Just imagine what it would be like with water main breaks, electric lines broken, trash accumulating, no mail delivery, supermarkets depleted of food, cold bitter weather, buildings reduced to rubble, suffering and death all around — and then place yourself in Ukraine at this horrific time in their lives and say we, the people, don’t have to help. Just imagine.


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“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”

Sound off!

Trump trading cards? Gadzooks! Now for a limited time offer, boys and girls, you can own your very own Donald Trump decoder ring. That’s right! Just send two cheeseburger wrappers and $5,000 cash (no checks) to the Donald Trump Decoder Ring fund. Only his most loyal fans can use this ring to follow the continuing adventures of Donald and his merry misfits!


Political campaigns have become platforms for denigration and humiliation of opponents. Once elected, candidates become “leaders” teaching us to insult, disrespect and even hate and lie. Unfortunately, society mirrors conduct of people we elect. It’s hard to imagine why doors are no longer opened for ladies or that we don’t allow someone to enter traffic ahead of us or that we can’t trust politicians who give their word. I long for the day when our elected officials actually represent us!


The Vindy Dec. 20 front page AP picture showed two migrants on U.S. soil, four more walking across water on stones toward our border as if strolling in Mill Creek Park. Fiscal year 2022 border crossings topped 2.76 million from over 100 countries; 1 million “gotta-ways.” Democrats don’t solve problems, they change language; illegal aliens became illegal immigrants then undocumented immigrants to migrants and asylum seekers. The axiom “a picture is worth 1,000 words” doesn’t apply to the Vindy picture.


‘Twas the night before midterms, when all through the House (of Representatives), both parties were expecting to engage in a joust. Signs of a red wave were in the air, in hopes that it would just be a scare. In Senate, the same was true, but it ended up blue. The big man was coming, kids were set, but Republicans ended with some regret. Results were tight — with split coming in ’23 — but Dems still are pushing, you can see. Conservatives are prepped to make hay, and looking forward to the next big Election Day.


I don’t understand the anxiety around indicting a former president. Had Nixon been prosecuted instead of pardoned, the precedent of potential jail time might have scared off future low-character candidates. More recently, actually trying a twice- impeached president would have been useful, too. GOP will not be credible national leadership as long as the creators of the big lie and bogus

notions of setting aside the Constitution are



I would suggest we just leave Congress in the hands of the Democrats, since they manipulate the national news media and Republicans to get what they want, and they get everything they want. Republicans are wishy-washy to say the least, and Democrats stick together no matter what. Democrats control all, so there is no need for Republicans or independents. Even when Democrats are not in control of Congress, they still control. Until us citizens wake up.


The Senate just passed a spending bill of $1.7 TRILLION. Joe Biden wants the government to pay off many student loans. Thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our southern border, and we will have to clothe, shelter and feed them in addition to covering medical costs. Welfare is the chosen profession of too many people who could work. Think prices are bad now? Just wait.


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Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”

Sound off!

Congresswoman-elect Emilia Sykes will be sworn-in in January to represent the new 13th congressional district. Let’s publicly demonstrate with sign-carrying and speech-making for U.S. Rep. Sykes to propose a joint House-Senate select committee to investigate why America’s COVID-19 performance is among the worst in the world.


After reading Jamie Stiehm’s syndicated column on the “Extreme Court,” I did not have enough tissues or paper towels to wipe away the crocodile tears of sour grapes she left on my kitchen table. Whiner. She doesn’t get her way. Name caller.

Hubbard Township

As children we learn basic social skills to not bully and be kind. Newspapers traditionally are granted a special place within a community. They were respected and counted on to provide unbiased factual news, to be an example of civic and civil maturity and a pillar of education. The front page headline of last Saturday’s Vindicator stating, “Loser outspends winner” was not headline worthy, unnecessary and cruel. This says more about this newspaper than it says about Tim Ryan.


When I was young, drivers stayed between lines and kept distance from car ahead. Road rage wasn’t a phrase; the term “school shooting” didn’t exist. Sports broadcasts had moments of silence. States weren’t defined as red or blue, but as “united.” News was just news, without shouting and battles of opinions. Vaccines were a good thing. Folks turned off lights when leaving a room. When something broke, we tried to repair it, not buy a new one.


Watching news and newspapers today, I feel everyone hates me. I paid into Social Security, but government calls my monthly benefit “entitlement.” I’m white so I must surely practice systemic racism. I’m a Christian male conservative so I must be anti-abortion, and against equal pay and everything feminist and LGBTQ. I don’t understand why I’m prejudged, or even canceled, by the liberal left just because I’m a certain age. I suspect many senior citizens feel the way I do.


Bringing the respect for marriage act to the floor, Chuck Schumer said his daughter and wife are expecting a baby. He wanted to raise their child with all the love and security that every child deserves. The ideal love for a child would be a father and a mother where that child shares the genes and chromosomes of both. To strive for anything less will cause more problems than I have words.


OMG. We now have an ex-president selling absolutely ludicrous comic cards of himself as a superhero, hoping his faithful followers will fork up $99 for something they can get for free off the internet, with the same goofy expressions, and this person seriously hopes to be president of the U.S. Save the money you worked hard for yourself and your family.


Democrats know how to win elections. Most voters believe we are on the wrong track. Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, crime run amok, border a sieve, loss of energy independence and rising prices aside; Democrats had a remarkable mid-term election. The party most responsible gained a Senate seat and fared well in the House. They managed to elect a debilitated John Fetterman to Senate. Deceased Tony DeLuca was reelected state rep in Pennsylvania. Politics is down-stream of culture. Very scary.


Sound off!

With blood, sweat, tears and determination, we have two high school football state championship teams in our Mahoning County. Something that can never be taken away from you and will be a topic of discussion for the rest of your lives. Congratulations South Range and Canfield high schools!


Recently a Campbell writer wrote about systemic racism being difficult for nonminorities to see. Here’s a different angle. Our former president was African American; so is our present vice president. In Youngstown, there is an African- American mayor, as are his fire chief and police chief. Countless political figures all over the country are African American as well as hundreds of very well-paid sports figures. In entertainment we see that as well. I’m not sure how this shows systemic racism.


As Youngstown City Council renames streets to honor those who do the work in their wards, paying homage with a street sign will not do anything for those too young to drive. Spotlight those who do the job in other ways. Maybe have them speak at a school on what they do in their neighborhoods or honor them at council. Humility does more for one’s self-worth.


Syndicated columnist Robert Reich’s Dec. 5 headline was “Musk makes humongous error,” referring to how Musk is handling Twitter. Reich’s net worth, as of 2020, was $5 million — not bad for his talent. Elon Musk’s net worth is $198.9 billion. He did not amass that fortune taking advice from people like Reich. It most likely did not occur to Reich’s distorted self-image and bloated ego that Musk’s motives may include a measure of altruism.


Regarding the situation with AMR ambulance service in Youngstown, it is amazing that the people running the city are willing to pass out a couple of million dollars to each of the seven wards of the city to do whatever they want and they are not willing to spend some of the FREE federal handout money to provide emergency ambulance service, which is a life or death situation.


Congratulations to all MAGA buyers of cheap, crass merchandise whose purchases will cover the $1.6 million fine levied against the criminal enterprises headed by the loser of the 2020 presidential campaign and his family and minions. Don’t worry, he’s still very wealthy, having another $90.4 million of your money– at least until the criminal charges against him reach another clear-eyed jury.


Consider how an abortion 2,000 years ago could have changed the history of the world. Joseph received and chose God’s spiritual guidance instead of society’s prescribed punishment (death by stoning) for Mary’s apparent adultery. Joseph chose life. In a couple of weeks, Christians around the world will celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If this doesn’t make sense, I encourage you to find what Christmas is all about. Your local church welcomes you.


How can anyone reason that railroad workers receive NO sick days? How can railroad companies and their executives reason that railway service, so extremely necessary for all of us in movement of goods used in everyday life, that these employees must take a vacation day if they are sick, and the owners and bigwigs fight this simple need. Service workers deserve more, and that is in all services that we all take for granted.


Have something to say?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”


Sound off!

It’s nice a recent writer had a diversified experience on vacation. But systemic racism is difficult for nonminorities to see because it doesn’t happen to them. Minorities experience 30 percent more traffic stops; are arrested three times more often; mortgage rates are higher; more loans are denied; infant mortality is 28 percent higher; doctors show 67 percent higher bias; minority students are suspended more for similar infractions; stop and frisk occurs more often; unemployment is higher. There’s more; Google it.


Canfield and Poland writers losing sleep over Biden’s relatives living in the White House should know the executive mansion is the sitting president’s home, in which he may have house guests. The answer to their worry over White House guests is NUNYA. A truck flag from the vendor on Mahoning Avenue may flap away remaining ignorance en route to Mar-a-Lago where one-time presidents receive guests like Ye and Nick Fuentes. Fortunately, that flag will be in tatters before American democracy.


A letter decried the proposal to raise the bar for changing Ohio’s Constitution to 60 percent from 50 percent +1, saying it should be the “will of the people.” He should look at the process enacted nearly 250 years ago for changing the U.S. Constitution, which requires a two-thirds majority of both Houses and ratification by three-quarters of the states. Having bare minimum majority to change the state’s guiding document opens up the possibility of same issues being changed every few years.


Where have civility, honesty, good manners, graciousness, integrity, niceness, kindness, genuine care for others all gone? They are becoming less and less in our lives, as we become more crass, crude, downright mean and impatient? Just look at where the political scene has gone, permeating our daily lives and making so many lives unbearable.


Donald Trump and his unorthodox ways certainly caused the expected uproar following the recent meeting between controversial figures Kanye West and Nick Fuentes at Mar-A-Lago. If critics put their hate-filled fusillade aside for a moment, could it be that Trump has a legitimate purpose to hash out the screwy individuals’ views and, hopefully, bring both to their senses? Sometimes, wacky ways get results.


I would sincerely love to thank those people that decorate their homes for the holidays. I get such a thrill when I’m driving wherever and see the masterpiece you have built and lit up! For all those people who go all out to decorate their homes for this magnificent season — thank you! Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated!

Newton Township



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