
Sound off!

After reading the recent Vindicator editorial “Evasive officials let down their constituents,” I believe the author forgot to mention Joe Biden, notorious for walking away from reporters. If he calls on a reporter, I’m guessing he knows the question and has rehearsed the answer. He did it again after his short Thanksgiving presentation. He should set examples. But today it seems more like, “I am king, and you are my subjects. Do as I say, not as I do.”


Why is Canfield City perceived as unwelcoming to minorities? Perception is a mental impression — period. It’s not necessarily reality. Today everything is viewed through the prism of racism! There are no Jewish synagogues, Muslim mosques or Buddhist temples in Canfield. With this logic, we are antisemitic, suffer from islamophobia and have bias toward Buddhists. Fact is, by law, anyone who can afford to live here, can! Some Canfield leaders may suffer from what author Shelby Steele describes as “White Guilt.”


Now that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, we need to be extra careful. We’ve given vigilantes the OK to carry assault rifles into crowded events. He can run through the middle of the event pointing the gun at everyone and, if anyone tries to top him, he can say he felt threatened and shoot everyone. Of course, if you play with a toy gun in the park or buy a pellet gun in Walmart, the cops might get you first.


GOP believers applaud their former president using their dues to pay legal fees for his ante presidential lawbreaking. Many will send money to him. Some, deeply aggrieved lost causers, buy more stars and bars showing that ignorance, too, supports him. All are buying the end of democratic freedom to opinions, in trade for an autocracy that will crush them. The worst stand by silently allowing the destruction of America.


Michigan State is giving Mel Tucker $26,000 every day of the year for 10 years as a football coach. A football coach! Perhaps that could cover tuition for a student or two instead? Totally beyond logical comprehension.


As a very conservative white Republican, let me say the killing of Aubrey in Georgia was flat-out murder. Those three thugs need to meet their maker. This is exactly what the death penalty is for, cases which are so blatantly obvious that nothing else will suffice. Just as the jury in the Rittenhouse case got it right, I hope that the jury in Georgia rules on the evidence and not the color of skin. Then justice will have been served.


In many areas of our country, the criminal justice system is broken — not because of systemic racism, but because of ludicrous, progressive policies pushed and implemented across the country. Defunding the police, no bail laws and ignoring so-called “low level crimes” are just a few examples. These radical policies, which fail to remove violent, repeat offenders from our streets, have emboldened criminals and made our communities less safe.


The Republican Texas Legislature is banning books and dictating what history is taught. A Virginia Republican school board calls for public book burnings. A man who swore to uphold the Constitution, Republican leader Mike Flynn, called for eliminating all but one religion. Ohio is set to bow to fascist ideas, with gun and abortion laws. Is this where you want to live? Look up growth of fascism. We grow only in a free, open society. It’s a constant struggle.


President Biden promised to work across the aisle for results — and he has delivered with the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal, a once-in-a-generation investment creating millions of jobs modernizing our infrastructure, addressing the climate crisis and positioning us to win the economic competition for the 21st century. Americans want the Build Back Better bill. It’s fully funded with the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations paying their fair share. Americans want Democrats to continue to deliver.


Why doesn’t Congress investigate the nationwide riots last summer with the same intensity as the Jan. 6 fiasco? I think we know why. It doesn’t play into their message. There were more deaths and destruction during the summer riots and yet, no one is held accountable.


Pharmacy chains are liable for recklessly distributing massive amounts of pain pills in Lake and Trumbull counties? Who shoved the drugs down the throats of hundreds who suffered overdose deaths? If Walgreens, Walmart and CVS follow Rite Aid and Giant Eagle in settling lawsuits, how much more will the legitimate prescription-needy customers pay? It figures that the victim is the abuser and not the other way around.


Sound off!

Canfield held its first meeting to study community equality and diversity, spearheaded by outgoing Mayor Richard Duffett. I applaud this! My concern is that newly-elected mayor Don Dragish might not continue that touch. Mr. Dragish campaigned using dog-whistle politics, stating he would “Keep Canfield Canfield.” This shameless coded-slogan attempted to sound alarms that things were about to change. It was his attempt at stoking irrational fears of some Canfield voters. Time will tell if needed change comes to Canfield.


Canfield R.E.D. (Racial Equality and Diversity) committee formed because a picture in a 1979 Canfield Yearbook of students wearing Ku Klux Klan regalia was posted on Facebook on Jan. 26. Why does this committee want to take us back to the 1960s? We are all aware of past and racial injustices. Forming a committee to study and point fingers isn’t making things better, but rather contributes to our country’s divisiveness. We should be better than that as Ohioans!


Canfield’s social justice warriors can make all the declarations they want, but they remain in Canfield.


A Nov. 11 Vindicator headline, “China, US pledge to increase cooperation at UN climate talks,” might lead one to believe China and U.S. are on the same page. Actions speak louder than words! China is spending its treasure on coal-fired electric plants and supersonic nuclear missiles, while Biden is building windmills. Reducing U.S. carbon emissions to zero will not reduce the climate temperature measurably. Check that out — a zero return on investment!


A minor in Wisconsin may openly carry a loaded long gun if he’s hunting. What was Kyle Rittenhouse hunting?


On a recent radio show, a caller said there might be a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics. The host hadn’t heard much about it, but when the caller said it was proposed by President Biden and supported by Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney, the host said, “Then , I’m out!” Isn’t this the problem today? The other side’s ideas are bad and not to be considered. C’mon man!


Bannon brought his old clown show to court. That show began in 2016 and should have ended in charges of insurrection. Instead, we heard, again, multiple warnings to “stand by.” He may mean stand by with your discount store camo suits like the Jan. 6 insurrectionists. Where are they? Oh yeah, in prison or in court.


Kamala Harris is the worst vice president since “do nothing” Hannibal Hamlin. Hamlin stated he was “the most unimportant man in Washington, ignored by the president, cabinet and Congress. Harris can only hope to reach the stature of Hamlin. Her approval rating is down to 28 percent. The Biden administration is a sinking ship and grinning Kamala is one of the anchors.


I believe 99 percent of Jan. 6 protesters, not the rioters, were / are kin to the founding fathers who protested and rebelled because of “taxation without representation.” Millions of Americans don’t feel they are being represented. The longer politicians are in office, the more they serve their political party and the less they represent us, the people. Term limits is the beginning of the solution.


The public should be aware that oil drilling and supply in the U.S. has been curtailed by Joe Biden, driving up prices on gas, utilities, food, etc., to push us toward his agenda of all-electric. Do not forget we have been taught from birth not to put all our eggs in one basket. He wants us dependent; now he has asked OPEC to increase supplies! His entire agenda is total hypocrisy! Wake up Americans!


Now that Republicans have redistricted in their favor, Democrats may retaliate to get a foot up in the race for political dominance via two easy steps: Open border (worth millions of free votes regardless of the divvying congressional districts); and ballot harvesting come presidential time in four more years. Yikes! That means that the current gerrymandering map will be rendered inconsequential since Democrats will be in the driver’s seat before Biden’s term expires.


Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”


Sound off!

The Revolutionary War really happened. The Holocaust really happened. The Civil War really happened. George Floyd was really killed. Jim Crow really happened. Charlottesville really happened. Trump really lost. Pol Pot in Cambodia really killed 2 million people. Tamar Rice really was killed. The Civil War occurred because of slavery; Google succession declarations. Removing these facts from history books does not mean they didn’t happen, but it increases the likelihood they will happen again. Facts are difficult to ignore.


Ohio now has admitted up to $5 billion (and probably more) was stolen from people in the wake of fraudulent jobless claims, mainly from overseas criminals. It’s not going to get any of it back. Can another revolution be far off with the continued fraud, lies and government that doesn’t work, yet sticks it to the people? No one is accountable, like the Afghanistan withdrawal and many other situations.


Will the radical left that runs the Democratic Party learn anything from the election? We are fed up with woke culture, open borders, defunding police, frivolous spending, removing statues, changing names of schools named after Washington, Lincoln and Columbus, and trying to control speech. Forbes magazine says Democrats defunded police agencies in 22 cities. Democrats gave “stimulus” payments to couples making $149,000 a year. They gave $500 million to preserve native American language. When will this nonsense end?


Mr. Biden not only wants to pay illegals, but he is out to bankrupt the middle class. We now pay $60 per month more for gasoline, with 25 percent more in foodstuffs, and he wants to shut down more pipelines? We’ll be subject to rolling blackouts and $5 per gallon gasoline. He must wake up and represent taxpayers instead of trying to tax us into submission. Straighten up or get out. He isn’t fit to lead our country.


A recent writer chastised Democrats for socialism that hurts Social Security. Really? Social Security is socialistic by nature! Next, a common anti-vaxer claim is that COVID-19 is a weapon created in China. If true, why would we not be vaccinated? Finally, people at a recent rally in Dallas fully believed JFK Jr. (long deceased) was going to appear and announce Trump was reinstated as vice president. I’m not sure what’s scarier — that these people can vote or can breed!


The Ohio Legislature has put forth House Bill 480, AKA 2363-act, with enough votes to pass. This is a total abortion ban from fertilization with no exclusions for rape and incest, and a $10,000 enforcement bounty. Ohio is 19th of 50 states for the highest number of teen pregnancies, some from rape and incest. Ohio’s pregnancy-related death rate is shocking. If passed, HB 480 will remove “my body, my choice” for young women and teen girls of Ohio.


It’s been reported the Biden administration wants to shut down the Embridge Line 5 pipeline from Canada to Michigan. Another socialist failure for America. He ran on a platform to eliminate fossil fuels. Way too many voters didn’t do their homework. Enjoy your $3.35 / gallon gasoline now because the future holds who knows what. This guy stated it’s going to be a long dark

winter. Say a prayer for America.


Sound off!

Thank you, Virginia, for rejecting all the liberal talk and giving us hope for the congressional elections in the next cycle. We can’t survive as a country if we keep spending massive sums of money and piling on the debt. Also, great to see Atlanta win the World Series after the MLB took the All-Star game from them. I call that karma. Finally, nice to see a some newcomers win in the Austintown trustees race.


Hopefully future generations will not judge us as harshly as we judge history. If we have a spiritual renewal, return to moral absolutes and righteous principles, they might rightly look back at us as selfish and barbaric. They might ask: “Why did they leave us trillions in debt?” “Why did they kill millions of their unborn when they had the technology to prevent pregnancies?” “Why didn’t they choose the best and brightest to lead them?” “Shouldn’t their statues come down?”


Fireworks should be for professional use only. This past July 4th was very annoying with all the extra noise all day and into the night. I am sure it will cause anxiety in older folks. Also, too much fireworks may cause health and environmental problems.


Not only has Joe Biden let in an invasion of illegals of which we already have heard from, Islamic terrorists, but now he wishes to pay them $450,000 each for breaking our laws? Get real. Represent our U.S. citizens. Do not even think the rich will pay. As you well know, those costs are passed on to middle-class workers, or maybe the 100 million from Pelosi Park, California. Fingers in the cookie jar.


I followed posted recommendations at a Vienna polling place. Entered wearing a mask, and from there, what a joke! Unmasked poll workers took refuge behind Plexiglas, but encouraged voters to use a community stylus, and then directed us to “sanitized pens” and onto unwiped community voting booths used by all — masked, unmasked, hands all over. I’m baffled by lessons in futility that are forever shoveled at us. Posted sign: an example of, do as I say, not as I do.


Reps. Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz may have correctly noted that metal detectors protecting Congress from gun-toting ne’er-do-wells are useless expenses if they want to blow up. After all, they voted for the The Wall failure, which continues to be expensive and provides even less protection against lawlessness. Come to think of it, they supported the insurrection, too. Wow, talk about things to blow up!


Enough! We must finally stop denying the climate crisis and accept the evidence we can see and feel for ourselves. Fourteen years ago, Ohio’s Holden Arboretum warned that in Greater Cleveland, “average annual temperatures are increasing; extreme heat events are occurring more frequently; heavy precipitation events are becoming more frequent; and winters are becoming shorter.” Let’s end the delusional anti-science peddled and paid for by some partisans and corporations, and let’s demand elected officials prioritize the climate crisis now.


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Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”



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