
Biden will be unable to unify this nation


I know Democrats want instant gratification, but if you want to unify this country you will allow the process of elections to play out.

In 2000, in just one state (Florida), Al Gore was gracious enough to allow any discrepancies in the final decision to be recounted, and that took 36 days. Be patient. Journalists and news media no not call the election results. The people’s votes do.

If Biden wins, so be it. But let me add he will not unify the people in this country, and he will not stop people from dying of COVID-19. Since 2008, Obama called Republican supporters names. It continued with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden calling us chumps, dregs of society, ugly folks and forces of intolerance. This is all coming from Democrats. And they are against bullying?

We need to get mail-in voting right. In Arizona, dead people were sent ballots. They are still on active registration. That state’s legislation should remove them, and that is just one state. It was Democrats that never came to the table to discuss infrastructure, DACA, health care and many more issues, for they did not want to give Donald Trump a win on anything. They were told to hate this man.

If people hated this man so much, why did they did they not give back the $1,200 in stimulus given to citizens in this country? I never got a dime from any Democrat. My whole life, I earned my money.

People finally noticed who would not work with him, and the Democrats lost seats. Ask Tim Ryan how close he came to losing. Democrats see Republican voters as the enemy.

You can’t unify a country with an attitude like that.




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