
Give blood, and you may save a life

Those looking to this space for perspective on the pressing issues of the day may wonder why it contains yet another appeal for blood donors and support of the American Red Cross’ mission. It is because the need is that urgent and only growing more so.

Last weekend, the Red Cross issued a plea for help, as the blood shortage that had already presented a challenge is getting worse. Severe weather, including the remnants of Hurricane Debby, has canceled a significant number of blood drives that might have helped fill that gap.

“The American Red Cross continues to experience an emergency blood shortage and asks the public to book a time to give as soon as possible to ensure lifesaving medical care is not impacted,” said Sharon Kesselring, executive director of the American Red Cross of the Ohio River Valley.

Further, the Red Cross notes that because blood has a short shelf life and can only come from volunteer blood donors, any disruptions in blood collection can have serious consequences for hospitals and patients.

Four Red Cross blood drives are scheduled next week in the Mahoning Valley:

● Tuesday — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Howland Community Church, 198 Niles-Cortland Road.

● Tuesday — Noon to 6 p.m., Champion Presbyterian Church, 4997 Mahoning Ave. NW.

● Thursday — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2860 E. Market St., Warren.

● Sept. 7 — 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Austintown Public Library, 600 South Raccoon Road, Austintown.

In addition to those, more Red Cross blood drives are scheduled through the end of the year and beyond. Those who wish to donate can find times, dates and sites at https://www.redcross


Think of the people you know who have needed blood or blood products — perhaps their lives were saved because there was enough supply (and enough in the correct blood type) available.

Donating blood WILL help someone, maybe even save someone. Those who are eligible to donate blood can do something about this shortfall and make that difference. Please consider doing so, soon.



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