
Hamas to blame for attacks, not Israel, and not Palestinians

As the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war unfold, events here demonstrate the consequences of our politicians’ recklessness in wielding fear as a tool for garnering votes. In appealing to the worst in us — in fact, by persuading some that those fears were not only appropriate, but to be acted upon — too many have been willing to trade human lives for political power.

An appalling example came over the weekend, when police say a 71-year-old Illinois man fatally stabbed a 6-year-old boy and seriously wounded a 32-year-old woman because of their Islamic faith (and as a response to the war).

Because of the child’s faith, the man believed to have been the woman’s landlord felt compelled to murder an innocent boy.

Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis — a man who wants to be president of the United States — decided it was necessary to spout that this country should not be taking in Palestinian refugees as they flee the Gaza Strip because they “are all antisemitic.” He doubled down by dismissing pleas that Israel provide clean running water and utilities to the 2.3 million civilians in the region.

Most of his fellow Republicans rightly draw a distinction between Palestinian civilians and Hamas. It’s common sense and human decency. Even Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. Michael Herzog, understands, “Our enemy is Hamas. It’s not the Palestinian people. It’s not the innocent civilians.”

But DeSantis clearly believes playing the hate and fear cards will win him some political points.

“The U.S. should not be absorbing any of those,” he said.

One wonders if he’s read about similar sentiments regarding wave after wave of immigrants to this country — many who were fleeing war and persecution. Germans, Irish, eastern Europeans, Italians, Chinese, southeast Asians, Latin Americans … those are just the major migrations. While most of us have evolved past the hate, fear and ignorance that was wielded during each of those waves, it appears DeSantis has not. It is nauseating to think he believes these tactics will gain him votes.

Meanwhile, it may be time for a refresher on the words to which for 140 years the human beings in so many of those waves looked for hope: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

That’s who we are. It is truly shameful DeSantis doesn’t know it.


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