
Do not let virus suppress voting rights

Both Republicans and Democrats in Ohio can complain about voter suppression this year, courtesy of COVID-19. Beyond any doubt, turnout figures for the election that was to have been held March 17 will be low.

Balloting that day was canceled because of the coronavirus outbreak. Last Wednesday, state legislators approved a mechanism to allow those who were shut out that day to cast ballots.

There will be no in-person voting at precincts, again due to COVID-19. Instead, the absentee balloting system will be used. Voters will have until April 28 to submit ballots.

If you are uncertain about how to use the system — and many Ohioans are — keep watching the paper. We’ll fill you in.

Or, if you prefer, contact your county Board of Elections. Information also is available on the secretary of state’s website, at www.ohiosos.gov. A form to request an absentee ballot can be found there.

The election is important locally. Nominees for a number of local offices will be decided. So will the fate of important tax levies. So make the extra effort to request an absentee ballot and submit it. Don’t let COVID-19 suppress your right to vote.



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