On the record: Hubbard
WHAT: Board of Education meeting Thursday.
PRESENT: Anna Martin, William Cummings, Josh Barr, Donald Newell and Amanda O’Neill.
The board:
• Accepted the following donations: $1,250 from Premier Bank to the Hubbard Band; $1,000 from Girls Soccer Boosters to Girls Soccer; $481 from Grace Lutheran Church to Eagle Essentials; $300 from Devine Foods Inc. to the school’s art club; and a $325 and $100 donation to the school’s food pantry from an anonymous donor and 7P Trees.
• Approved certified substitutes Elizabeth Kohut and Lauren Semanovich as paraprofessional substitutes on an “as needed” basis, at the substitute teacher daily rate.
• Approved Hunter Meyer as a long-term substitute teacher for second grade effective Jan. 6 to a yet-to-be-determined end date.
• Approved Bettyann Spiech as Hubbard Elementary School teacher support on an “as-needed basis” for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.
• Approved reappointing Al Sauline to the Hubbard Public Library Board of Trustees, with the new term beginning April 1, 2025, and ending March 31, 2032.
• Brandon Cantwell
On the record Hubbard
WHAT: City council meeting Monday
PRESENT: Bill Williams, Bonnie Viele, Robin Zambrini, Michael Mogg, Cathy Cummings, Jerome Crowe, Michael Kerr, Lorrie Brown and Ryan Hallapy
•Sent to first reading a resolution authorizing the board of control to purchase a Wachs valve maintenance trailer for $90,000 and declaring an emergency.
•Sent to first reading a resolution authorizing the board of control to enter a three-year contract extension for both trash and recyclable pickup from Feb. 1, 2025 to Jan. 31, 2028.
• Brandon Cantwell