
Frederick Street project funding delayed in Liberty

LIBERTY — Trustees heard updates about a road project’s funding at their first meeting of the new year.

Wayne Hickman, who oversees the township’s road department, explained that he had a meeting with other township officials about Frederick Street, and while they talked about a 10% match for funding it, the funding will be delayed.

Hickman said that he would need to get letters of support for the project from the residents and the businesses, which encompasses 44 apartment complexes and 19 businesses on the back side of the road.

Hickman said he plans on seeking a grant that’s due in July, for which he already has pictures, a narrative and a pre-application prepared. All that’s left is transferring his hand-drawn map to a computer and preparing a cover letter.

In other action, trustees:

• Approved reappointing Cherry Poteet as township law director at a contract rate of $3,800 per month.

• Approved hiring Brian Gordon as a part-time firefighter and EMT-Basic at a rate of $20 per hour, with no benefits, pending pre-employment drug testing and a successful background check.

• Approved increasing temporary appropriations in the drug law enforcement line of the township’s budget by $15,000 to replace blood alcohol testing equipment being used by the police department.

• Approved reappointing Trustee Greg Cizmar and Zoning and Code Director James Rodway as the township’s representatives on the Trumbull County Planning Commission Tax Incentive Review Council for 2025.

• Accepted the resignation of Jacob Jaynes as a full-time firefighter and EMT effective Jan. 13. He will be placed on part-time status.

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