
Austintown woman books new job at Girard library

GIRARD — Sarah Gilpin worked as a page during high school at the Girard Free Library and, after serving in different positions over the years, is the library’s new director.

Gilpin, of Austintown, began as director Monday. One of her first duties was helping to plan a visit from Santa Claus and the Grinch.

“I started as a page back in 1991 at the library helping to shelve and put away books. I was at Girard High School and used to walk here after school. I was here for two years and then went to college,” Gilpin said.

She said the library underwent a remodeling in 1991.

She earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Kent State University and came back to the library in 1999 as the Young Adult librarian. Gilpin then earned her master’s degree in library information services in 2003, also from Kent.

Gilpin then became a reference librarian and manager of cataloging services.

For the past three years, Gilpin served as the assistant director, working with library director Pam Saganic, who retired in November after serving more than three years and also was fiscal officer for many years before that.

Gilpin said she taught English for one year in college and then decided to become a librarian since she enjoyed books.

Gilpin said in 2024, the library had HVAC work, roofing work and window replacement. She said in 2025, landscaping work will be done at the library.

As director, Gilpin will oversee a staff of 12 and be involved with planning programs, including the popular summer reading program.

“There is more emphasis on the library being a community gathering space for programs, events and meetings. This library has always been big on programming for all age groups. We have had chair yoga, which is popular. The children’s programs have always been popular, especially the Kids in the Kitchen,” Gilpin said.

New for 2025 will be programs on Moth Man, which is similar to Bigfoot, and cookie decorating classes for families. She said the Friends of the Girard Free Library conducts events to raise funds for new carpeting in the children’s area.

“I enjoy being able to help people. I enjoy making connections with our speakers and presenters, such as the master gardeners. I speak to the presenters and ask them what would be a good time of year for certain programs. Amy Reeher from the Trumbull County Soil and Water Conservation District has done programs on owls, otters and other wildlife that are popular,” Gilpin said.

Gilpin said she will work with the nine-member board of directors and fiscal officer to make sure “the library is living within our means.”

She said working with Saganich showed her what the director’s responsibilities are and what is involved in planning for programs.

“I would watch Pam carefully make decisions. She never rushed to make decisions and always would remain calm,” Gilpin said.

Saganich, who attended the recent holiday event at the library, said she has worked with Gilpin and knows she will do well as the director.

Gilpin said new Wonderbooks were added to the children’s library collection. They are books that have sound units on them and can be read to someone.

Gilpin said she plans to reach out to local businesses to work with them on events.

In her free time, Gilpin said she enjoys traveling and this year went to Rome and Florence.

She said she also enjoys hiking and watching movies.

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