
Victim of car theft charged with gunfire

YOUNGSTOWN — An unnamed woman was both the victim and the suspect in an incident on Nielsen Avenue on the South Side early Sunday.

The woman, whose name was blacked out on a Youngstown police report as a victim under Ohio’s Marsy’s Law, was taken to the Mahoning County jail Sunday and charged with discharging a firearm within the city limits and an active warrant for having no operator’s license and speeding.

A 24-year-old woman was booked into the Mahoning County jail Sunday on similar charges and remained in the jail Tuesday, according to Mahoning County jail records.

That woman was arraigned in Youngstown Municipal Court on the charge of discharge of a firearm in the city limits, though the results of the hearing were not provided on the court website Wednesday afternoon.

The police report states that officers were called to Comely and Neilson avenues at 7:04 a.m. Sunday for gunfire in the area.

When they arrived, they found a large crowd in the middle of the street in front of 3431 Neilson Ave. Two women were standing near a white Chevy Malibu, yelling and screaming at a crowd of people outside of the location.

The owner of the Malibu, who was later charged with discharging firearms in the city limits, said someone took her car and she fired a gun at the male driving off with it. She was detained for further investigation.

Police then spoke with a witness who said a male drove off in a car, which is when the woman fired a gun at him. The woman took a gun from the glove box in the other woman’s car.

The name of the male alleged to have taken the car, 20, was given in the report, but Youngstown Municipal Court records do not list that male as having any new charges.

Officers checked the car belonging to the woman and found a pink gun in the glove box, as well as ammunition in the center console.

Police said they found the stolen car on Lenox and Kent avenues. No injuries were reported.


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