
On the record: Girard, Liberty boards of education


WHAT: Board of education meeting Aug. 22

PRESENT: Diane Alejars, Joseph Datchuk, Joseph Castor, Sue Ellen Davis and Vince Ragozine

The board:

● Heard from Superintendent Bryan O’Hara that various projects and work were done during the summer in preparation for the new school year, including new alarm systems at the schools, new digital sign marquees at elementary and intermediate schools, a new public address system at elementary and intermediate schools and work at the football stadium with new turf and the Girard logo.

● Received a donation of various school supplies from Berk Enterprises in Warren. Robert Berk, company president, owns Pastimes Arcade in Girard. The board also accepted a donation of more than 100 pairs of tennis shoes from Vince’s Family Shoes in West Middlesex, Pa. The shoes are available to students who lack adequate footwear, or are athletes and marching band members needing proper gear to perform safely.

● Accepted the resignation of Amanda Latell as assistant to the treasurer effective Friday.

● Approved Brandy DeSalvo and Shannon Semple as substitute nurses at $17.50 per hour and Belinda Travis as a substitute bus driver at $19 per hour.

• Bob Coupland


WHAT: Board of Education meeting Monday

PRESENT: Shawn Chrystal, Janine Hamilton, Hans Kirr, David Malone and Kara Morgan

The board:

● Approved authorizing the Ohio Schools Council to advertise and receive school bus bids for the district. The district is seeking to purchase a 72-passenger school bus chassis and body. The board also approved the trade-in of one school bus.

● Hired Cynthia Marinnoff as intervention specialist teacher at $53,362, Sarah Welsh as language arts teacher at $37,685, and Noelle Coggins as French teacher at $61,202.

● Accepted retirement resignation of Deborah Dory as intervention assistant, effective Saturday.

● Hired Luke Polito as intervention assistant at $30,297, Antonio Reed as intervention assistant at $30,139 and Gloria Rodriguez as part-time intervention assistant at $13,902.

● Approved an agreement with Belmont Pines Hospital Residential Treatment Center for use of allocated Title I funds to provide educational, prevention and intervention services for at-risk students at the treatment center. The center will utilize the services of Westwood Preparatory Academy that specializes in programming for students residing in youth treatment centers. A total of $127,587 will be provided.

● Hired Chrystal Vela as a licensed practical nurse at $30,964.

● Approved fifth-grade trip to Camp Fitch.

Bob Coupland


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