
State and local at a glance

Man caught naked on Belmont found guilty of disorderly conduct

LIBERTY — The man caught naked disrupting traffic June 30 on Belmont Avenue has been found guilty of a charge of disorderly conduct.

Terrance Hamlin, 47, of Liberty, was fined $150 and ordered to pay $182 in court costs when he appeared Wednesday in Girard Municipal Court, where he pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge.

Hamlin originally faced charges of public indecency, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The resisting arrest charge was amended to disorderly conduct and the public indecency and initial disorderly conduct charges were dropped, a court official said.

Salt Springs Road section to close

YOUNGSTOWN — Salt Springs Road between Oneta and Richland avenues will be closed Monday for about four days.

The Mahoning Valley Sanitary District is making repairs to its transmission main on the road.

Section of Industrial Road to close

YOUNGSTOWN — The reconstruction of Industrial Road between South Meridian and Bears Den roads will begin Aug. 12, closing it to traffic for about four months.

The section of road will be open only to local traffic. Detour signs will be posted.


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