
Parishioners rally, pray for ousted priest

HUBBARD — A petition is being circulated at St. Patrick Church in Hubbard that will be submitted today to the Diocese of Youngstown seeking information on why the Rev. Michael Swierz has been placed on administrative leave and what policy he violated in the 1980s while at St. Rose Church in Girard.

More than 150 people gathered Saturday morning at St. Patrick to say the rosary and other prayers for Swierz and also to sign the petition.

Chris Conway, who organized the rosary rally, said in addition to the parishioners, people were there from St. Joseph the Provider School in Youngstown and the community.

Conway said the parish wants the diocese to tell them what the violation is and let Swierz speak to the congregation himself.

“We will continue to pray for him,” Conway said, noting Swierz has helped lead the church through some difficult times, including COVID-19 and a major fire in January 2021.

Youngstown Bishop David Bonnar announced through a letter read at weekend Masses June 22 and 23 at St. Patrick and St. Rose that he placed Swierz on leave as pastor of St. Patrick, president of St. Joseph the Provider School and as president of the Trumbull Deanery.

A letter from Bonnar states Swierz admitted to violating Diocesan policy in the late 1980s while he was pastor at St. Rose in Girard. The letter did not specify what the violation was and an investigation is underway, Bonnar’s letter stated. Swierz served at St. Rose until 1992.

“The investigation into these matters is ongoing and Father Swierz is cooperating in the investigation,” according to Bonnar’s letter.

Diocesan officials said the results of the investigation will be made public when it’s completed.

“We want Father Mike back with us at St. Patrick,” Conway said.

Hubbard residents Mary Lou Reder and Kelly Onest were gathering signatures for the petition.

“We want to know what happened. We want to know why they took our priest from us,” Reder said.

Onest said the church members will continue to pray, but they want answers from Diocesan officials.

The petition states, “We are now asking that you have faith in the laity of the church. Please profess your faith in us by providing the full account of what happened. We believe we can be the beacon of light and hope only if the full details of the ordeal are revealed.

“By withholding information, you have allowed the community at large to spread rumors like wildfire and tarnish Father Mike’s hard-earned reputation, as well as leaving your flock at St. Patrick helpless with no way to move forward in a very personal way. People of all ages care for Father Mike and the ripple effect that this announcement has had is beyond comprehension,” the petition states.

Onest said no one knows what the situation is, but there is concern about what may be implied from Bonnar’s letter.

“Back in the 1980s, there was concern about the state of the Catholic Church with some priests. That is why we want this to be made clearer so we understand. We are just asking for clarity that will not impede on any investigation,” she said.

Swierz’s brothers, Tony and Ron, attended the event and thanked the congregation for their support through letters, messages and emails.

“The best thing to do is to continue to pray. We have to fight for our brother,” Tony Swierz said to applause from those at the church.

The Diocese this weekend announced the Rev. Michael Balash will temporarily replace Swierz at St. Patrick.

Balash will serve as pro tem administrator until Sept. 9. This is in addition to his responsibilities as vicar for clergy and religious services, director for the office of worship and sacramental minister at Trumbull North Parishes.

After Sept. 9, the Rev. John Rovnak will become the parish’s administrator. Rovnak currently serves as the parochial vicar at Holy Family Parish in Poland and Saint Paul Parish in New Middletown.

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