Liberty Township trustees
WHAT: Township trustees meetings July 19 and 26
PRESENT: Arnold Clebone, Devon Stanley and Greg Cizmar
• Heard from Clebone about a situation where a neighbor was shooting a pellet gun to eliminate geese that became a nuisance on their property. The police were called and the person shooting the pellet gun was cited and fined for killing the geese.
• Heard from Clebone who asked trustees if they were interested in restricting the days that fireworks can be used to fewer days than permitted under state law. Cizmar and Stanley said to keep the current state law guidelines and if someone is not following the law, they can contact the police, who would send an officer to the individuals not complying.
• Passed a resolution of appreciation to Raxit Shah and Ketki Shah who in 2005 made a donation of the property and building at 114 E. Liberty St. Liberty officials hoped to build a central fire station on the property, but as that proved unfeasible, the township sold the property in March 2008 for $263,938 and used the proceeds for the benefit of the fire department.
• Hired John Greene as a probationary firefighter at $21 per hour.
• Reported the county engineer’s office is going out for bids for the Townsend Avenue stormwater project. Bids will be accepted through Aug. 8. Community Development Block Grants will cover the project costs.
• Approved an agreement with Lexipol for the fire department policy manual at $9,649.80.
• Adopted a resolution to set a work period for part-time firefighter emergency medical technicians / paramedics. The Fair Labor Standards Act permits the township to establish a work period of 7 to 28 days for calculating overtime eligibility for employees engaged in fire protection activities. The township established a work period of 14 days, with part-time firefighter EMTs / paramedics eligible for overtime for any hours they work over 106 hours during a work period.
• Heard from fire Chief Doug Theobald the fire department was awarded an additional $10,875 grant from the Ohio Ambulance Impacted Industry Program, which can be used for wages.
• Discussed concerns and possible solutions for sink holes that are developing at Trumbull Avenue, Shannon Road and other areas.
• Announced National Night Out is set for 6:30 p.m. Aug. 6 at the high school stadium.