
Boy who headed to Cleveland stopped in Youngstown; others helped him get home

125 years ago in 1899, transcribed as originally published in the Youngstown Vindicator:

Stowaway found under a seat in an Erie Coach on Train 17 this morning. An eight-year-old boy trying to make his way from Sharon on to Cleveland without money. Was assisted.

Harry Everwine is 8 years old, small for his age but well supplied with nerve. His parents live at Cleveland and about a week ago sent Harry to visit relatives at Sharon. When he started from Sharon, Harry claims he had a dollar, enough, he thought, to carry him to Cleveland. On reaching the depot and inquiring of the ticket agent the price of a fair to Cleveland he learned that it was more than he had so he bought a ticket to Youngstown, thinking to manage the remaining distance without money.

Monday morning as Erie passenger train No. 17 was about to pull out for Cleveland a member of the train’s crew noticed what he supposed to be a bundle of soiled linen clothing lying beneath one of the seats in the smoker [car]. Thinking someone had forgotten it, the trainman reached down and took hold of it with the intention of pulling it out and throwing it off. His surprise upon finding the supposed bundle of clothing contained a living being can better be imagined than pictured. It was little Harry. He was dragged from his hiding place and in answer to questions said he had lost his money and was trying to get home. It was no use, however, he couldn’t ride without a ticket and together with his little telescope containing his extra clothing, he was set off the train crying as if his heart would break.

He was so small and illy clad and presented such a pitiful appearance that the sympathies of half a dozen men went out to him. One of their number hastened to the ticket office and purchased him a ticket, another handed him a 25-cent piece with which to get something to eat on the way, while others dropped small coins into his hands. The help came too late for him to catch train No. 17, however, and he was taken in charge by Baggagemaster Pierce’s force until the next train left when he boarded it and started for home, apparently as happy as though he were worth a million.

Compiled from the Youngstown Vindicator by Traci Manning, Mahoning Valley Historical Society curator of education.

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